
guide to deploy to the public pod repo :`pod trunk push [NAME.podspec] `

Posted by kunnan on March 8, 2017



  • setup_Cocoa_Touch_Static_Library
    ├── KNStaticBundle.bundle
    │   ├── HCPCMPayProgress.nib
    │   ├── IMG_3604.JPG
    │   ├── Info.plist
    │   ├── KNFeedbackViewController.nib
    │   ├── KNStaticBundle
    │   ├── deleteX.png
    │   ├── hebaoGrayPoint.png
    │   ├── hebaoWhitePoint.png
    │   └── store_add.png
    ├── include
    │   └── KNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary
    │       ├── KNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary.h
    │       ├── KNFeedbackViewController.h
    │       └── KNTestWebViewController.h
    └── libKNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary.a


  • 目前静态库的管理我会结合CocoaPods、demo的xcodeproj 和git_subtree
    devzkndeMacBook-Pro:KNAPP devzkn$ git subtree push --prefix=KNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary KNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary master 
    ├── KNAPP
    │   ├── AppDelegate.h
    │   ├── AppDelegate.m
    │   ├── Assets.xcassets
    │   ├── Base.lproj
    │   ├── Info.plist
    │   ├──
    │   ├── ViewController.h
    │   ├── ViewController.m
    │   └── main.m
    ├── KNAPP.xcodeproj
    │   ├── project.pbxproj
    │   ├── project.xcworkspace
    │   └── xcuserdata
    ├── KNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary
    │   ├── Business
    │   ├── KNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary
    │   ├── KNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary.podspec
    │   ├── KNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary.xcodeproj
    │   ├── KNStaticBundle
    │   ├── LICENSE
    │   └──
  • cocoaPods开发并打包静态库: pod lib create
    devzkndeMacBook-Pro:KNPodlib devzkn$ tree -L 2
    ├── Example
    │   ├── KNPodlib
    │   ├── KNPodlib.xcodeproj
    │   ├── KNPodlib.xcworkspace
    │   ├── Podfile
    │   ├── Podfile.lock
    │   ├── Pods
    │   └── Tests
    ├── KNPodlib
    │   ├── Assets
    │   └── Classes
    ├── KNPodlib.podspec # the Podspec for your Library.
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── #  a default README in markdown.
    └── _Pods.xcodeproj -> Example/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj
  • 可以看出,pod lib 也是可以采用Bundle的方式
    ├── KNPodlib
    │   ├── Assets
    # s.resource_bundles = {
    #   'KNPodlib' => ['KNPodlib/Assets/*.png']
    # }


  • CocoaPods本地目录 ~/.cocoapods/repos/master
    devzkndeMBP:master devzkn$ tree -L 3
    ├── CocoaPods-version.yml
    └── Specs
      ├── 0
      │   ├── 0
      │   ├── 1
  • 隐藏文件
    devzkndeMBP:master devzkn$ ls -a
    .			..			.DS_Store		.git			.gitignore		CocoaPods-version.yml		Specs
  • git remote -v: master 是一个 GitHub仓库
    devzkndeMBP:master devzkn$  git remote -v
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
  • Specs文件夹:很多框架以及版本号
    devzkndeMBP:Specs devzkn$ tree -L 4
    ├── 0
    │   ├── 0
    │   │   ├── 0
    │   │   │   ├── CAIStatusBar
  • /Users/devzkn/.cocoapods/repos/master/Specs/0/0/0/CAIStatusBar/0.0.1/
    devzkndeMBP:CAIStatusBar devzkn$ tree -L 4
    └── 0.0.1
      └── CAIStatusBar.podspec.json
  • pod search CAIStatusBar:搜索Specs文件夹中的框架信息
Creating search index for spec repo 'AliBCSpecs'.. Done!
-> CAIStatusBar (0.0.1)
   A simple indicator
   pod 'CAIStatusBar', '~> 0.0.1' 每个版本号对应的一个json文件,描述了每个对应版本的框架的信息、配置、及源码下载地。
  • 在CocoaPods发布框架时要在 master 仓库中添加我们的仓库描述信息,然后push到远程仓库中。


  • pod –help
   + trunk         Interact with the CocoaPods API (e.g. publishing new specs)

pod trunk –help

  • CocoaPods Trunk
CocoaPods Trunk is an authentication and CocoaPods API service. To publish new or updated libraries to CocoaPods for public release you will need to be registered with Trunk and have a valid Trunk session on your current device. 
  • pod trunk COMMAND
        Interact with the CocoaPods API (e.g. publishing new specs)
  • pod trunk –help
  • Commands:
    + add-owner      Add an owner to a pod
    + delete         Deletes a version of a pod.
    + deprecate      Deprecates a pod.
    + info           Returns information about a Pod.
    + me             Display information about your sessions
    + push           Publish a podspec
    + register       Manage sessions
    + remove-owner   Remove an owner from a pod
  • Options:
    --silent         Show nothing
    --verbose        Show more debugging information
    --no-ansi        Show output without ANSI codes
    --help           Show help banner of specified command

pod spec –help

Manage pod specs

  • pod spec –help

  • Commands:

    + cat       Prints a spec file
    + create    Create spec file stub.
    + edit      Edit a spec file
    + lint      Validates a spec file
    + which     Prints the path of the given spec
  • pod spec cat
     $ pod spec cat [QUERY]
        Prints the content of the podspec(s) whose name matches `QUERY` to standard
      --regex      Interpret the `QUERY` as a regular expression
      --show-all   Pick from all versions of the given podspec
      --silent     Show nothing
      --verbose    Show more debugging information
      --no-ansi    Show output without ANSI codes
      --help       Show help banner of specified command

创建 CocoaPods 公有仓库

1、注册 CocoaPods 账号: Manage sessions

First sign up for an account with your email address. This begins a session on your current device.

  • 使用终端注册, email 用你的 GitHub 邮箱: pod trunk register mail name –description=’macbook air’ –verbose
devzkndeMacBook-Pro:Debug-iphoneos devzkn$  pod trunk register name  --verbose
opening connection to
  • [CocoaPods] Confirm your registration.
    Please confirm your registration with CocoaPods by clicking the following link:
    If you did not request this you do not need to take any further action.
    Kind regards, the CocoaPods team
    You can go back to your terminal now.
  • pod trunk me: Display information about your sessions
list your sessions
devzkndeMacBook-Pro:Debug-iphoneos devzkn$ pod trunk me
  - Name:    


  • KNIosCommonTool.git
    devzkndeMacBook-Pro:KNIosCommonTool devzkn$ kngitinit
2、1 GitHub 上创建一个公开项目,项目中必须包含这几个文件
  • 如果使用pod lib create的时候,会自动生成模板(推荐使用)
    ├── Example #代码使用样例,测试功能
    │   ├── KNPodlib
    │   ├── KNPodlib.xcodeproj
    │   ├── KNPodlib.xcworkspace
    │   ├── Podfile
    │   ├── Podfile.lock
    │   ├── Pods
    │   └── Tests
    ├── KNPodlib # 开发区域
    │   ├── Assets
    │   └── Classes
    ├── KNPodlib.podspec # the Podspec for your Library.
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── #  a default README in markdown.

3 创建.podspec Create spec file stub.

  • curl -O url 下载开源许可证—不太靠谱
    curl -O
  • pod spec create [NAME]
  • .podspec 是用 Ruby 的配置文件,描述你项目的信息。
    A specification describes a version of Pod library
    A stub specification file can be generated by the pod spec create command.
  • cd仓库目录下 pod spec create
    devzkndeMacBook-Pro:KNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary devzkn$ pod spec create KNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary
    Specification created at KNCocoaTouchStaticLibrary.podspec
  • 使用支持yaml 格式的ide进行编辑:sublime text、Xcode
  • 验证 .podspec 文件的格式是否正确,
  • pod lib lint KNPodlib.podspec –verbose –allow-warnings
      pod lib lint KNIosCommonTool.podspec --verbose --allow-warnings
  • 'echo "2.3" > .swift-version'

4、 给仓库打标签,因为s.source 是从tag 获取的

  • s.source 的格式
     s.source       = { :git => "", :tag => "#{s.version}" } ##你的仓库地址,不能用SSH地址
  • 创建标签
    git tag -a 1.0.0 -m '标签说明' 
     git push origin --tags

5、 发布.podspec Deploying a library

pod trunk push [NAME.podspec] will deploy your Podspec to Trunk and make it publicly available. You can also deploy Podspecs to your own private specs repo with pod repo push REPO [NAME.podspec].

  • pod trunk push –help
    pod trunk push [PATH]
     Publish the podspec at `PATH` to make it available to all users of the ‘master’
        spec-repo. If `PATH` is not provided, defaults to the current directory.
  • Options:
     --allow-warnings           Allows push even if there are lint warnings
      --use-libraries            Linter uses static libraries to install the spec
      --swift-version=VERSION    The SWIFT_VERSION that should be used to lint the spec.
                                 This takes precedence over a .swift-version file.
      --skip-import-validation   Lint skips validating that the pod can be imported
      --skip-tests               Lint skips building and running tests during validation
      --silent                   Show nothing
      --verbose                  Show more debugging information
      --no-ansi                  Show output without ANSI codes
      --help                     Show help banner of specified command
  • 在仓库目录下执行,发布到公有的speecs上: pod trunk push KNIosCommonTool.podspec
1. 更新本地 pods 库 `~/.cocoaPods.repo/master`
- 验证`.podspec`格式是否正确
- 将 `.podspec` 文件转成 JSON 格式
- 对 `master` 仓库 进行合并、提交.[master仓库地址]( 
🎉  Congrats
 🚀  KNIosCommonTool (0.0.1) successfully published
 📅  April 27th, 04:05
 👍  Tell your friends!

6、 使用仓库

  • pod setup在终端更新本地pods仓库信息
    Setting up CocoaPods master repo
    /usr/bin/git -C /Users/devzkn/.cocoapods/repos/master fetch origin --progress
    /usr/bin/git -C /Users/devzkn/.cocoapods/repos/master rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
    /usr/bin/git -C /Users/devzkn/.cocoapods/repos/master reset --hard origin/master
  • pod trunk info KNPodlib
    - Versions:
      - 0.1.10 (2018-04-27 08:15:15 UTC)
      - 0.1.11 (2018-04-27 08:27:30 UTC)
      - 0.1.3 (2018-04-27 02:21:06 UTC)
      - 0.1.9 (2018-04-27 07:53:52 UTC)
    - Owners:
      - zhangkn <>
  • pod search KNPodlib
  • demo-code
    pod init
    pod install
    open  KNIosCommonToolDemo.xcworkspace
    #import <KNIosCommonTool/KNIosCommonTool-umbrella.h>


  • 更新.podspec中的版本号
  • 打上标签推送远程
    git tag -a 0.0.1 -m "0.0.1"
    git push origin --tags
  • pod trunk push .podspec

see also

转载请注明: > getting_setup_with_trunk