
Advanced github search options

Posted by kunnan on April 24, 2018


  • 1.Search
    user:zhangkn user:antire repo:zhangkn/ repo:antire/ created:>2017-01-01 created:2017-01-02 stars:0..1 stars:1 stars:>1 forks:0..1 forks:1 forks:<10 size:1 pushed:<2018-09-09 extension:jpg extension:html size:1..1000 size:>1 path:/_site language:CSS
  • 2.Trending
  • 3.快捷键
    [shift + / ]
<!-- cat stars:>100	 -->
Find cat repositories with greater than 100 stars.
<!-- user:defunkt -->
	Get all repositories from the user defunkt.
<!-- pugs pushed:>2013-01-28	 -->

Pugs repositories pushed to since Jan 28, 2013.

<!-- node.js forks:<200	 -->
Find all node.js repositories with less than 200 forks.
<!-- jquery size:1024..4089	 -->
Find jquery repositories between the sizes 1024 and 4089 kB.
<!-- gitx fork:true -->
	Repository search includes forks of gitx.
<!-- gitx fork:only -->
	Repository search returns only forks of gitx.

  • [Basic search]

<!--  cat stars:>100: -->

	Find cat repositories with greater than 100 stars.

<!--  user:defunkt	: -->

Get all repositories from the user defunkt.

<!--  tom location:"San Francisco, CA"	: -->

Find all tom users in "San Francisco, CA".

<!--  join extension:coffee -->

	Find all instances of join in code with coffee extension.

<!--  NOT cat	 -->

Excludes all results containing cat

user:zhangkn user:antire repo:zhangkn/ repo:antire/ created:>2017-01-01 created:2017-01-02 stars:0..1 stars:1 stars:>1 forks:0..1 forks:1 forks:<10 size:1 pushed:<2018-09-09 extension:jpg extension:html size:1..1000 size:>1 path:/_site comments:0..1 comments:>0 label:bug author:zhangkn mentions:zhangkn assignee:zhangkn updated:<2018-09-09 fullname:zhangkn location:CA followers:0..1000 followers:>1 followers:<10000 repos:0 repos:<90 repos:>5 updated:<2018-09-09 language:CSS language:CSS

<!-- install repo:charles/privaterepo -->

	Find all instances of install in code from the repository charles/privaterepo.
<!-- shogun user:heroku	 -->

Find references to shogun from all public heroku repositories.
<!-- join extension:coffee	 -->
Find all instances of join in code with coffee extension.
<!-- system size:>1000	 -->
Find all instances of system in code of file size greater than 1000kbs.
<!-- examples path:/docs/ -->
	Find all examples in the path /docs/.
<!-- replace fork:true -->
	Search replace in the source code of forks.
<!-- encoding user:heroku -->
	Encoding issues across the Heroku organization.
<!-- cat is:open	 -->
Find cat issues that are open.
<!-- strange comments:>42	 -->

Issues with more than 42 comments.

<!-- hard label:bug -->
	Hard issues labeled as a bug.

<!-- author:mojombo -->
	All issues authored by mojombo.
<!-- mentions:tpope	 -->
All issues mentioning tpope.
<!-- assignee:rtomayko	 -->
All issues assigned to rtomayko.
<!-- exception created:>2012-12-31 -->
	Created since the beginning of 2013.
<!-- exception updated:<2013-01-01' -->
	Last updated before 2013.
<!-- fullname:"Linus Torvalds"	 -->
Find users with the full name "Linus Torvalds".
<!-- tom location:"San Francisco, CA" -->
	Find all tom users in "San Francisco, CA".
<!-- chris followers:100..200	 -->
Find all chris users with followers between 100 and 200.
<!-- ryan repos:>10	 -->
Find all ryan users with more than 10 repositories.



  • [github上按“shift + /”]
支持的快捷键:Site wide shortcuts、Repositories、Source code browsing

<!-- Site wide shortcuts -->

s or /	Focus search bar
g n	Go to Notifications
g d	Go to Dashboard
?	Bring up this help dialog
j	Move selection down
k	Move selection up
x	Toggle selection
o or enter	Open selection
h	Open hovercard
<!-- Repositories -->
g c	Go to Code
g i	Go to Issues
g p	Go to Pull Requests
g b	Go to Projects
g w	Go to Wiki
<!-- Source code browsing -->
t	Activates the file finder
l	Jump to line
w	Switch branch/tag
y	Expand URL to its canonical form
i	Show/hide all inline notes

You’ve activated the file finder. Start typing to filter the file list.
 1) Use ↑ and ↓ to navigate,
 2)enter to view files,
 3)esc to exit.

see also

/Users/devzkn/bin/knpost githubSearch Advanced github search options -t Search

转载请注明: > githubSearch