devzkndeMacBook-Pro:Library devzkn$ du -sh * |sort -h
177M Safari
587M Logs
857M Application Support
1.0G Autosave Information
1.0G Mail
2.6G Caches
3.4G Containers
3.6G Android
69G Developer
153G Users
27G Applications
10G private
6.4G usr
39M Products
126M DocumentationCache
191M UserData
414M iOS Device Logs
823M Archives
3.0G DerivedData
62G iOS DeviceSupport ---大可直接删除
/Users/devzkn/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices --- xcrun simctl list devices、
<!-- xcrun simctl help delete -->
So I can either delete the individual device(s):
xcrun simctl delete D24C18BC-268C-4F0B-9CD8-8EFFDE6619E3
or I can bulk delete all of the unavailable ones with:
xcrun simctl delete unavailable
xcrun simctl help
<!-- -->
macintosh hd/applications/ (1.16gb)
macintosh hd/library/application support/garageband (995mb)
macintosh hd/library/application support/logic (880mb)
macintosh hd/library/audio/apple loops (up to 10gb)*
/Users/devzkn/Library/Containers/com.tencent.xinWeChat/Data/Library/Application Support/com.tencent.xinWeChat/2.0b4.0.9/168382edfbf20fc8e6340f8590a006c0/M
或者使用:xcrun simctl list devices
sudo rm -rf /private/var/folders/
<!-- 这个文件夹内的文件是你在真机测试时安装程序的详情 -->