deploy Podspecs to your own private specs repo with pod repo push REPO [NAME.podspec]
- a few steps to getting a private pods setup for your project
1) creating a private repository for them, 2) letting CocoaPods know where to find it 3) and adding the podspecs to the repository.
- source directive
An Example
1. Create a Private Spec Repo
Create a repo on your server. This can be achieved on Github or on your own server as follows
- 之前使用
pod trunk push KNIosCommonTool.podspec
发布到 publicly availableUpdating spec repo `master` 对 `master` 仓库 进行合并、提交.[master仓库地址](https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs)
- The rest of this example uses the repo at zhangkn Specs
创建一个像 `master` 一样的存放版本描述文件的git仓库. 不失一般性,我选择了github.com 的 public repo。 devzkndeMacBook-Pro:git devzkn$ pwd /Users/devzkn/code/git devzkndeMacBook-Pro:git devzkn$ mkdir Specs.git devzkndeMacBook-Pro:git devzkn$ cd Specs.git devzkndeMacBook-Pro:Specs.git devzkn$ git init --bare Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/devzkn/code/git/Specs.git/ kngitinit git@github.com:zhangkn/Specs.git
- 你可以使用 oschina
>私人git仓库,选择 [oschina](http://git.oschina.net/) 创建远程私有仓库(free)也可以在GitHub上创建(**money**)。
2. Add your repo to your CocoaPods installation
- pod repo add zhangkn_specs git@github.com:zhangkn/Specs.git
Cloning spec repo `zhangkn_specs` from `git@github.com:zhangkn/Specs.git`
- cd
devzkndeMBP:repos devzkn$ tree -L 1 . ├── AliBCSpecs ├── artsy ├── master ├── specta └── zhangkn_specs
- Check your installation is successful
cd ~/.cocoapods/repos/zhangkn_specs pod repo lint . Linting spec repo `zhangkn_specs` All the specs passed validation.
3、Add your Podspec to your repo
- Create your Podspec
pod lib lint KNBaseWebViewController.podspec --verbose --allow-warnings git tag -a 0.1.1 -m "0.1.1" git push origin --tags # pod trunk push KNIosCommonTool.podspec 这个步骤替换成pod repo push zhangkn_specs /Users/devzkn/code/cocoapodDemo/podDemo/KNBaseWebViewController/KNBaseWebViewController.podspec --verbose --allow-warnings
- Save your Podspec and add to the repo
pod repo push zhangkn_specs /Users/devzkn/code/cocoapodDemo/podDemo/KNBaseWebViewController/KNBaseWebViewController.podspec --verbose --allow-warnings Updating the `zhangkn_specs' repo Adding the spec to the `zhangkn_specs' repo Pushing the `zhangkn_specs' repo /usr/bin/git -C /Users/devzkn/.cocoapods/repos/zhangkn_specs -C /Users/devzkn/.cocoapods/repos/zhangkn_specs push origin master
- Assuming your Podspec validates, it will be added to the repo. The repo will now look like this
cd /Users/devzkn/.cocoapods/repos/zhangkn_specs devzkndeMBP:zhangkn_specs devzkn$ tree -L 3 . ├── HEAD ├── KNBaseWebViewController │ └── 0.1.1 │ └── KNBaseWebViewController.podspec ├── README.md
- git pull
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy. KNBaseWebViewController/0.1.1/KNBaseWebViewController.podspec | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ KNBaseWebViewController/0.1.2/KNBaseWebViewController.podspec | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ KNBaseWebViewController/0.1.3/KNBaseWebViewController.podspec | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- pod repo update zhangkn_specs
- pod search KNBaseWebViewController
-> KNBaseWebViewController (0.1.1) KNPodlib Improve customize webview functionality pod 'KNBaseWebViewController', '~> 0.1.1' - Homepage: https://github.com/zhangkn/KNBaseWebViewController - Source: https://github.com/zhangkn/KNBaseWebViewController.git - Versions: 0.1.1 [zhangkn_specs repo]
See this Podfile for an example of how the repo URL is included
demo for
how the private repo URL is included
pod init source 'https://github.com/zhangkn/Specs.git' Cloning spec repo `zhangkn` from `https://github.com/zhangkn/Specs.git` devzkndeMBP:repos devzkn$ tree -L 1 . ├── AliBCSpecs ├── artsy ├── master ├── specta ├── zhangkn # 从https://github.com/zhangkn/Specs.git 下载的仓库 └── zhangkn_specs # 我刚刚创建的本地仓库 open KNBaseWebViewControllerDemo.xcworkspace pod update Installing KNBaseWebViewController 0.1.2 (was 0.1.1)
- 使用私人pod库的需要在
中添加这句话,指明你的版本库地址。source 'https://github.com/zhangkn/Specs.git'
- 如果同时使用了其他的Specs库,也要声明
source ‘https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git’
How to remove a Private Repo
- How to remove a Private Repo
pod repo remove [name]
Making CocoaPods
see also
External resources
Using CocoaPods to Modularize a Big iOS App
转载请注明:张坤楠的博客 > making_private_cocoapods