另外,我发现,普通app如果使用sysctlbyname 函数进行设备信息的时候,使用 capstone 进行hook libMobileGestalt的方法,有些属性是失效的。 比如hw.machine,即设备类型iPhone5,2 这个时候,你就要针对app的获取信息对应的方法进行处理
-[UIDevice getSysInfoByName:hw.machine ]
很多设备的udid 都是基于CFUUIDCreate、CFUUIDCreateString 进行创建
- OpenUDID 采用CFUUIDCreate、CFUUIDCreateString 进行创建
- see also
-[<SafeSingleItemWrapper: 0x16212720> initSafeWithIdentifier:Ksid accessGroup:unknown ]
--[<SingleItemWrapper: 0x16212570> initWithIdentifier:Ksid accessGroup:unknown ]
[MMKeychain load:wx.dat accessGroup:unknown migratable:0 ] [MMKeychain load:com.tencent.xin.updateresinfo accessGroup:teamid.com.tencent.xin migratable:1 ]
- (NSString *)strUUID{ if (_strUUID == nil || [_strUUID isEqualToString:@""]) { KNKeychainItemWrapper *wrapper = [[KNchainItemWrapper alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"wkneiknlkniu"accessGroup:nil]; // 读测试 NSString *strMD5 = [wrapper objectForKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrAccount]; NSLog(@"读出md5:%@",strMD5); if (strMD5 == nil || [strMD5 isEqualToString:@""]) { strMD5 = [MD5Generator MD5]; [wrapper setObject:strMD5 forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrAccount]; NSLog(@"写入MD5:%@",strMD5); } _strUUID = strMD5; NSLog(@"strUUID:%@", strMD5); } return _strUUID; }
_idfa = [ASIdentifierManager sharedManager].advertisingIdentifier.UUIDString;
_idfv = [UIDevice currentDevice].identifierForVendor.UUIDString;
[<ASIdentifierManager: 0x16f52170> advertisingIdentifier]
ret:<__NSConcreteUUID 0x180b4bf0> 6944A2EB-ED8F-4519-9D09-ABE2E015EDD8
[<ASIdentifierManager: 0x16f52170> isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled]
[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager]
ret:<ASIdentifierManager: 0x16f52170>
@class NSUUID; @interface ASIdentifierManager : NSObject @property (nonatomic,readonly) NSUUID * advertisingIdentifier; @property (getter=isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled,nonatomic,readonly) char advertisingTrackingEnabled; +(id)sharedManager; -(NSUUID *)advertisingIdentifier; -(char)isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled; @end
// openUDID Usage:
// #include "OpenUDID.h" // NSString* openUDID = [OpenUDID value];
save to Pasteboard: 往粘贴板存储用户\设备信息
- (void)setModel:(WLUserModel *)model{ _model = model; if (model) { UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:WLpasteboardWithNameKeyUserID create:YES]; pasteboard.persistent = YES; pasteboard.string = model.UserId; UIPasteboard *pasteboardSign = [UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:WLpasteboardWithNameKeySign create:YES]; pasteboardSign.persistent = YES; pasteboardSign.string = model.Sign; } }
- (WLUserModel *)model{ if (_model == nil) { /** 应用级别的,数据在属于自己的应用内部共享; (默认情况下是不会把数据写进沙盒的,也就是说(复制、剪切)粘贴内容会因为应用的退出而销毁掉,我们可以设置相关属性 persistent值为 YES让其进行数据的持久化存储起来) Ps:其他的一些属性,我们可以点进去观察一下基本可以理解例如 persistent 是否进行数据持久化 还有 changeCount 改变次数(剪切板)系统重启方才重新计数 */ NSString *contentSign =@""; NSString *contentUserID =@""; UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:WLpasteboardWithNameKeySign create:NO]; if (pasteboard){ contentSign = pasteboard.string; } UIPasteboard *pasteboardUserID = [UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:WLpasteboardWithNameKeyUserID create:NO]; if (pasteboardUserID){ contentUserID = pasteboardUserID.string; } _model = [[WLUserModel alloc]init]; _model.UserId =contentUserID; _model.Sign = contentSign; } return _model; }
save to Keychain
// 读测试 NSString *openUDID = [wrapper objectForKey:(__bridge id)kSecValueData]; [wrapper setObject:openUDID forKey:(__bridge id)kSecValueData];
import <sys/utsname.h>
#import <sys/utsname.h> ... struct utsname systemInfo; uname(&systemInfo); NSString *deviceName = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; ...
UIDevice has an internal method [UIDevice _graphicsQuality] that seems promising, but of course your app will be rejected by Apple. Let's create our own method: NSSet *graphicsQuality = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"iPad", @"iPad1,1", @"iPhone1,1", @"iPhone1,2", @"iPhone2,1", @"iPhone3,1", @"iPhone3,2", @"iPhone3,3", @"iPod1,1", @"iPod2,1", @"iPod2,2", @"iPod3,1", @"iPod4,1", @"iPad2,1", @"iPad2,2", @"iPad2,3", @"iPad2,4", @"iPad3,1", @"iPad3,2", @"iPad3,3", nil]; if ([graphicsQuality containsObject:deviceName()]) { // Device with poor graphics, blur not supported } else { // Blur supported }
[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> isBatteryMonitoringEnabled] ret:0 [<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> setBatteryMonitoringEnabled:1 ] -[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> batteryState] -ret:0 -[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> _setBatteryLevel:1 ] -[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> _setBatteryState:3 ]
device.batteryMonitoringEnabled = YES; //开启了监视电池状态的功能 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(batteryLevelChanged:) name:@"UIDeviceBatteryLevelDidChangeNotification" object:device]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(batteryStateChanged:) name:@"UIDeviceBatteryStateDidChangeNotification" object:device]; - (void)batteryLevelChanged:(id)sender { UIDevice *myDevice = [UIDevice currentDevice]; [myDevice setBatteryMonitoringEnabled:YES]; float batteryLevel = [myDevice batteryLevel]; NSLog(@"电池剩余比例:%@", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f",batteryLevel*100]); } -(void)batteryStateChanged:(id)sender { NSArray *stateArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"未开启监视电池状态",@"电池未充电状态",@"电池充电状态",@"电池充电完成",nil]; NSLog(@"电池状态:%@", [stateArray objectAtIndex:[[UIDevice currentDevice] batteryState]]); }
int +[UIDevice getSysInfo:](void * self, void * _cmd, unsigned int arg2) { sp = sp - 0x24; r3 = sp + 0xc; r1 = 0x2; asm { strd r0, r2, [sp, #0x1c + var_C] }; asm { strd r0, r0, [sp, #0x1c + var_1C] }; sysctl(sp + 0x10, r1, sp + 0x8, r3, stack[2039], stack[2040]); r0 = stack[2041]; r1 = *___stack_chk_guard - stack[2045]; if (r1 == 0x0) { asm { addeq sp, #0x1c }; } if (CPU_FLAGS & E) { return r0; } r0 = __stack_chk_fail(); return r0; }
#pragma mark sysctl utils - (NSUInteger) getSysInfo: (uint) typeSpecifier { size_t size = sizeof(int); int results; int mib[2] = {CTL_HW, typeSpecifier}; sysctl(mib, 2, &results, &size, NULL, 0); return (NSUInteger) results; } - (NSUInteger) cpuFrequency { return [self getSysInfo:HW_CPU_FREQ]; } - (NSUInteger) busFrequency { return [self getSysInfo:HW_BUS_FREQ]; } - (NSUInteger) cpuCount { return [self getSysInfo:HW_NCPU]; } - (NSUInteger) totalMemory { return [self getSysInfo:HW_PHYSMEM]; } - (NSUInteger) userMemory { return [self getSysInfo:HW_USERMEM]; } - (NSUInteger) maxSocketBufferSize { return [self getSysInfo:KIPC_MAXSOCKBUF]; }
[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> cpuCount] -[UIDevice getSysInfo:3 ] -ret:2 ret:2 #define HW_NCPU 3 /* int: number of cpus */
/* * CTL_HW identifiers */ #define HW_MACHINE 1 /* string: machine class */ #define HW_MODEL 2 /* string: specific machine model */ #define HW_NCPU 3 /* int: number of cpus */ #define HW_BYTEORDER 4 /* int: machine byte order */ #define HW_PHYSMEM 5 /* int: total memory */ #define HW_USERMEM 6 /* int: non-kernel memory */ #define HW_PAGESIZE 7 /* int: software page size */ #define HW_DISKNAMES 8 /* strings: disk drive names */ #define HW_DISKSTATS 9 /* struct: diskstats[] */ #define HW_EPOCH 10 /* int: 0 for Legacy, else NewWorld */ #define HW_FLOATINGPT 11 /* int: has HW floating point? */ #define HW_MACHINE_ARCH 12 /* string: machine architecture */ #define HW_VECTORUNIT 13 /* int: has HW vector unit? */ #define HW_BUS_FREQ 14 /* int: Bus Frequency */ #define HW_CPU_FREQ 15 /* int: CPU Frequency */ #define HW_CACHELINE 16 /* int: Cache Line Size in Bytes */ #define HW_L1ICACHESIZE 17 /* int: L1 I Cache Size in Bytes */ #define HW_L1DCACHESIZE 18 /* int: L1 D Cache Size in Bytes */ #define HW_L2SETTINGS 19 /* int: L2 Cache Settings */ #define HW_L2CACHESIZE 20 /* int: L2 Cache Size in Bytes */ #define HW_L3SETTINGS 21 /* int: L3 Cache Settings */ #define HW_L3CACHESIZE 22 /* int: L3 Cache Size in Bytes */ #define HW_TB_FREQ 23 /* int: Bus Frequency */ #define HW_MEMSIZE 24 /* uint64_t: physical ram size */ #define HW_AVAILCPU 25 /* int: number of available CPUs */ #define HW_MAXID 26 /* number of valid hw ids */
[1;36m[knFake] [m[0;36m/Users/devzkn/code/tweak/knwx2018/knFake/knFake/Hook.mm:180[m [0;30;46mDEBUG:[m UserAssignedDeviceName: iPhone => (null) ret:iPhone
[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> iba_identifier] -[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> iba_isSimulator] -ret:0 -[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> identifierForVendor]//_idfv -ret:<__NSConcreteUUID 0x16f68c30> 99474A61-C43F-4D65-B3AF-B18A48F33EC9 ret:99474A61-C43F-4D65-B3AF-B18A48F33EC9
[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> systemName] ret:iPhone OS
(void)beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications __TVOS_PROHIBITED; // nestable
[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications]
[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> _graphicsQuality] ret:100
[1;36m[knFake] [m[0;36m/Users/devzkn/code/tweak/knwx2018/knFake/knFake/Hook.mm:180[m [0;30;46mDEBUG:[m h63QSdBCiT/z0WU6rdQv6Q: J => (null) //设备所属国家 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("h63QSdBCiT/z0WU6rdQv6Q")) ){ //J if(NG_DEVICE_SINGLENAME){ return (CFStringRef)NG_DEVICE_SINGLENAME; } }
[1;36m[knFake] [m[0;36m/Users/devzkn/code/tweak/knwx2018/knFake/knFake/Hook.mm:180[m [0;30;46mDEBUG:[m DeviceName: iPhone => (null) ret:iPhone
model : 设备名称
[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> model] [1;36m[knFake] [m[0;36m/Users/devzkn/code/tweak/kn2018/knFake/knFake/Hook.mm:180[m [0;30;46mDEBUG:[m DeviceName: iPhone => (null) ret:iPhone
常量UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone 用于判断是否为iPhone设备,UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad用于判断是否为iPad设备
[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> userInterfaceIdiom] ret:0 typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIUserInterfaceIdiom) { UIUserInterfaceIdiomUnspecified = -1, UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_IOS(3_2), // iPhone and iPod touch style UI UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_IOS(3_2), // iPad style UI UIUserInterfaceIdiomTV NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_IOS(9_0), // Apple TV style UI UIUserInterfaceIdiomCarPlay NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_IOS(9_0), // CarPlay style UI }; if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) { // iPhone设备 } else { // iPad 设备 }
platform : 使用capstone 进行hook 动态库libMobileGestalt.dylib,修改设备类型的时候 ,有些属性是失效的。 比如hw.machine,即设备类型iPhone5,2 ;这个时候我们可以直接修改获取信息 对应的方法———原因:
使用sysctlbyname 函数,就比较不容易hook到。
[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> platform] -[UIDevice getSysInfoByName:hw.machine ] -ret:iPhone5,2
void * +[UIDevice getSysInfoByName:](void * self, void * _cmd, char * arg2) { *((sp - 0x14) + 0xfffffffffffffffc) = r8; sysctlbyname(arg2, 0x0, ((sp - 0x14) + 0xfffffffffffffffc - 0x8) + 0x4, 0x0, 0x0); r6 = malloc(stack[2042]); sysctlbyname(arg2, r6, ((sp - 0x14) + 0xfffffffffffffffc - 0x8) + 0x4, 0x0, 0x0); r4 = [objc_msgSend(@class(NSString), @selector(stringWithCString:encoding:)) retain]; free(r6); r0 = loc_2ca9c90(r4, @selector(stringWithCString:encoding:)); return r0; }
#pragma mark sysctlbyname utils - (NSString *) getSysInfoByName:(char *)typeSpecifier { size_t size; sysctlbyname(typeSpecifier, NULL, &size, NULL, 0); char *answer = malloc(size); sysctlbyname(typeSpecifier, answer, &size, NULL, 0); NSString *results = [NSString stringWithCString:answer encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; free(answer); return results; } - (NSString *) platform { return [self getSysInfoByName:"hw.machine"]; }
[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> cpuCount] -[UIDevice getSysInfo:3 ] ret:2
[<UIDevice: 0x16ac14e0> systemVersion] [1;36m[knFake] [m[0;36m/Users/devzkn/code/tweak/knwx2018/knFake/knFake/Hook.mm:180[m [0;30;46mDEBUG:[m ProductVersion: 8.1 => (null) ret:8.1
_idfv = [UIDevice currentDevice].identifierForVendor.UUIDString;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, CPUType) { CPUTypeARMV6, CPUTypeARMV7, CPUTypeARMV7S, CPUTypeARMV8, CPUTypeARM64, CPUTypeX86, CPUTypeX86_64, CPUTYpeUnsupported }; typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, AIProcess) { AIProcessAKD, AIProcessISD, AIProcessUnknown }; @interface ISDUtility : NSObject + (AIProcess)processType; + (NSData *)dataFromHexString:(NSString *)string; + (void)printImagesAddress; + (CPUType)getCurrentCPUType; + (NSArray *)propertyNamesOfClass:(Class)cls; + (NSDictionary *)valuesOfInstance:(id)instance; - (NSString *)nameOfInstance:(id)instance inClass:(Class)cls; @end
#import "KNISDUtility.h"
#import <dlfcn.h>
#import <sys/stat.h>
#import <sys/types.h>
#import <sys/sysctl.h>
#import <mach/mach_host.h>
#import <mach/machine.h>
#import <mach-o/dyld.h>
#import <mach-o/loader.h>
#import <mach-o/nlist.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
@implementation ISDUtility
+ (AIProcess)processType
NSString *pname = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processName];
if ([pname isEqualToString:@"akd"]) {
return AIProcessAKD;
} else if ([pname isEqualToString:@"itunesstored"]) {
return AIProcessISD;
} else {
return AIProcessUnknown;
+ (NSData *)dataFromHexString:(NSString *)string {
string = [string lowercaseString];
NSMutableData *data= [NSMutableData new];
unsigned char whole_byte;
char byte_chars[3] = {'\0','\0','\0'};
int i = 0;
long length = string.length;
while (i < length-1) {
char c = [string characterAtIndex:i++];
if (c < '0' || (c > '9' && c < 'a') || c > 'f')
byte_chars[0] = c;
byte_chars[1] = [string characterAtIndex:i++];
whole_byte = strtol(byte_chars, NULL, 16);
[data appendBytes:&whole_byte length:1];
return data;
+ (void)printImagesAddress {
for (int i = 0; i < _dyld_image_count(); i++) {
char *image_name = (char *)_dyld_get_image_name(i);
//const struct mach_header *mh = _dyld_get_image_header(i);
//intptr_t vmaddr_slide = _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide(i);
//NSLog(@"[%d]Image name %s at address 0x%llx and ASLR slide 0x%lx.\n", i, image_name, (mach_vm_address_t)mh, vmaddr_slide);
if (strcmp(image_name, "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/Support/itunesstored") == 0)
//NSLog(@"itunesstored address 0x%llx and ASLR slide 0x%lx.\n", (mach_vm_address_t)mh, vmaddr_slide);
+ (CPUType)getCurrentCPUType {
size_t size;
cpu_type_t type;
cpu_subtype_t subtype;
size = sizeof(type);
sysctlbyname("hw.cputype", &type, &size, NULL, 0);
size = sizeof(subtype);
sysctlbyname("hw.cpusubtype", &subtype, &size, NULL, 0);
// values for cputype and cpusubtype defined in mach/machine.h
if (type == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) {
return CPUTypeX86_64;
} else if (type == CPU_TYPE_X86) {
return CPUTypeX86;
} else if (type == CPU_TYPE_ARM) {
switch(subtype) {
return CPUTypeARMV6;
return CPUTypeARMV7;
return CPUTypeARMV7S;
return CPUTypeARMV8;
} else if (type == CPU_TYPE_ARM64) {
return CPUTypeARM64;
return CPUTYpeUnsupported;
// 一个类的所有属性名字
+ (NSArray<NSString *> *)propertyNamesOfClass:(Class)cls
unsigned count;
objc_property_t *properties = class_copyPropertyList([cls class], &count);
NSMutableArray *rv = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
objc_property_t property = properties[i];
NSString *name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:property_getName(property)];
[rv addObject:name];
return rv;
// 一个类所有属性的值
+ (NSDictionary *)valuesOfInstance:(id)instance {
if (instance == nil)
NSLog(@"valuesOfInstance error: instance is nil");
return nil;
NSArray<NSString *> * properties = [ISDUtility propertyNamesOfClass:[instance class]];
if (properties == nil)
NSLog(@"valuesOfInstance error: properties is nil");
return nil;
if ([properties count] == 0)
NSLog(@"valuesOfInstance error: properties is empty");
return nil;
NSDictionary *values = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (NSString *property in properties) {
if ([property isEqualToString:@"_detailedDescription"]
|| [property isEqualToString:@"debugDescription"]
|| [property isEqualToString:@"description"]
|| [property isEqualToString:@"hash"]) {
id value = [instance valueForKey:property];
//NSString *typeAndValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%@)" , value, [value class]];
//[values setValue:typeAndValue forKey:property];
[values setValue:value forKey:property];
return values;
// 根据实例查找其在类中的名字, 也就是“反射”
- (NSString *)nameOfInstance:(id)instance inClass:(Class)cls {
unsigned int numIvars = 0;
NSString *key=nil;
Ivar * ivars = class_copyIvarList([cls class], &numIvars);
for(int i = 0; i < numIvars; i++) {
Ivar thisIvar = ivars[i];
const char *type = ivar_getTypeEncoding(thisIvar);
NSString *stringType = [NSString stringWithCString:type encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (![stringType hasPrefix:@"@"]) {
if ((object_getIvar(cls, thisIvar) == instance)) { //此处若 crash 不要慌!
key = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ivar_getName(thisIvar)];
return key;
CTL_HW identifiers
/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */ /* * Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Mike Karels at Berkeley Software Design, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)sysctl.h 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/2/93 */ /* * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License, * Version 2.0. */ #ifndef _SYS_SYSCTL_H_ #define _SYS_SYSCTL_H_ /* * These are for the eproc structure defined below. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> #include <sys/appleapiopts.h> #include <libkern/sysctl.h> #include <sys/proc.h> #include <sys/vm.h> /* * Definitions for sysctl call. The sysctl call uses a hierarchical name * for objects that can be examined or modified. The name is expressed as * a sequence of integers. Like a file path name, the meaning of each * component depends on its place in the hierarchy. The top-level and kern * identifiers are defined here, and other identifiers are defined in the * respective subsystem header files. */ #define CTL_MAXNAME 12 /* largest number of components supported */ /* * Each subsystem defined by sysctl defines a list of variables * for that subsystem. Each name is either a node with further * levels defined below it, or it is a leaf of some particular * type given below. Each sysctl level defines a set of name/type * pairs to be used by sysctl(1) in manipulating the subsystem. * * When declaring new sysctl names, use the CTLFLAG_LOCKED flag in the * type to indicate that all necessary locking will be handled * within the sysctl. * * Any sysctl defined without CTLFLAG_LOCKED is considered legacy * and will be protected by a global mutex. * * Note: This is not optimal, so it is best to handle locking * yourself, if you are able to do so. A simple design * pattern for use to avoid in a single function known * to potentially be in the paging path ot doing a DMA * to physical memory in a user space process is: * * lock * perform operation vs. local buffer * unlock * SYSCTL_OUT(rey, local buffer, length) * * ...this assumes you are not using a deep call graph * or are unable to pass a local buffer address as a * parameter into your deep call graph. * * Note that very large user buffers can fail the wire * if to do so would require more physical pages than * are available (the caller will get an ENOMEM error, * see sysctl_mem_hold() for details). */ struct ctlname { char *ctl_name; /* subsystem name */ int ctl_type; /* type of name */ }; #define CTLTYPE 0xf /* Mask for the type */ #define CTLTYPE_NODE 1 /* name is a node */ #define CTLTYPE_INT 2 /* name describes an integer */ #define CTLTYPE_STRING 3 /* name describes a string */ #define CTLTYPE_QUAD 4 /* name describes a 64-bit number */ #define CTLTYPE_OPAQUE 5 /* name describes a structure */ #define CTLTYPE_STRUCT CTLTYPE_OPAQUE /* name describes a structure */ #define CTLFLAG_RD 0x80000000 /* Allow reads of variable */ #define CTLFLAG_WR 0x40000000 /* Allow writes to the variable */ #define CTLFLAG_RW (CTLFLAG_RD|CTLFLAG_WR) #define CTLFLAG_NOLOCK 0x20000000 /* XXX Don't Lock */ #define CTLFLAG_ANYBODY 0x10000000 /* All users can set this var */ #define CTLFLAG_SECURE 0x08000000 /* Permit set only if securelevel<=0 */ #define CTLFLAG_MASKED 0x04000000 /* deprecated variable, do not display */ #define CTLFLAG_NOAUTO 0x02000000 /* do not auto-register */ #define CTLFLAG_KERN 0x01000000 /* valid inside the kernel */ #define CTLFLAG_LOCKED 0x00800000 /* node will handle locking itself */ #define CTLFLAG_OID2 0x00400000 /* struct sysctl_oid has version info */ /* * USE THIS instead of a hardwired number from the categories below * to get dynamically assigned sysctl entries using the linker-set * technology. This is the way nearly all new sysctl variables should * be implemented. * * e.g. SYSCTL_INT(_parent, OID_AUTO, name, CTLFLAG_RW, &variable, 0, ""); * * Note that linker set technology will automatically register all nodes * declared like this on kernel initialization, UNLESS they are defined * in I/O-Kit. In this case, you have to call sysctl_register_oid() * manually - just like in a KEXT. */ #define OID_AUTO (-1) #define OID_AUTO_START 100 /* conventional */ #define SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS (struct sysctl_oid *oidp, void *arg1, int arg2, \ struct sysctl_req *req) /* * This describes the access space for a sysctl request. This is needed * so that we can use the interface from the kernel or from user-space. */ struct sysctl_req { struct proc *p; int lock; user_addr_t oldptr; /* pointer to user supplied buffer */ size_t oldlen; /* user buffer length (also returned) */ size_t oldidx; /* total data iteratively copied out */ int (*oldfunc)(struct sysctl_req *, const void *, size_t); user_addr_t newptr; /* buffer containing new value */ size_t newlen; /* length of new value */ size_t newidx; /* total data iteratively copied in */ int (*newfunc)(struct sysctl_req *, void *, size_t); }; SLIST_HEAD(sysctl_oid_list, sysctl_oid); #define SYSCTL_OID_VERSION 1 /* current OID structure version */ /* * This describes one "oid" in the MIB tree. Potentially more nodes can * be hidden behind it, expanded by the handler. * * NOTES: We implement binary comparibility between CTLFLAG_OID2 and * pre-CTLFLAG_OID2 structure in sysctl_register_oid() and in * sysctl_unregister_oid() using the fact that the fields up * to oid_fmt are unchanged, and that the field immediately * following is on an alignment boundary following a pointer * type and is also a pointer. This lets us get the previous * size of the structure, and the copy-cut-off point, using * the offsetof() language primitive, and these values are * used in conjunction with the fact that earlier and future * statically compiled sysctl_oid structures are declared via * macros. This lets us overload the macros so that the addition * of the CTLFLAG_OID2 in newly compiled code containing sysctl * node declarations, subsequently allowing us to to avoid * changing the KPI used for non-static (un)registration in * KEXTs. * * This depends on the fact that people declare SYSCTLs, * rather than declaring sysctl_oid structures. All new code * should avoid declaring struct sysctl_oid's directly without * the macros; the current risk for this is limited to losing * your description field and ending up with a malloc'ed copy, * as if it were a legacy binary static declaration via SYSCTL; * in the future, we may deprecate access to a named structure * type in third party code. Use the macros, or our code will * end up with compile errors when that happens. * * Please try to include a long description of the field in any * new sysctl declarations (all the macros support this). This * field may be the only human readable documentation your users * get for your sysctl. */ struct sysctl_oid { struct sysctl_oid_list *oid_parent; SLIST_ENTRY(sysctl_oid) oid_link; int oid_number; int oid_kind; void *oid_arg1; int oid_arg2; const char *oid_name; int (*oid_handler) SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS; const char *oid_fmt; const char *oid_descr; /* offsetof() field / long description */ int oid_version; int oid_refcnt; }; #define SYSCTL_IN(r, p, l) (r->newfunc)(r, p, l) #define SYSCTL_OUT(r, p, l) (r->oldfunc)(r, p, l) typedef int (* sysctl_handler_t) SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS; __BEGIN_DECLS /* old interface */ int sysctl_handle_int SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS; int sysctl_handle_long SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS; int sysctl_handle_quad SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS; int sysctl_handle_int2quad SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS; int sysctl_handle_string SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS; int sysctl_handle_opaque SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS; /* new interface */ int sysctl_io_number(struct sysctl_req *req, long long bigValue, size_t valueSize, void *pValue, int *changed); int sysctl_io_string(struct sysctl_req *req, char *pValue, size_t valueSize, int trunc, int *changed); int sysctl_io_opaque(struct sysctl_req *req, void *pValue, size_t valueSize, int *changed); /* * These functions are used to add/remove an oid from the mib. */ void sysctl_register_oid(struct sysctl_oid *oidp); void sysctl_unregister_oid(struct sysctl_oid *oidp); /* Deprecated */ void sysctl_register_fixed(void) __deprecated; __END_DECLS /* Declare an oid to allow child oids to be added to it. */ #define SYSCTL_DECL(name) \ extern struct sysctl_oid_list sysctl_##name##_children #define SYSCTL_LINKER_SET_ENTRY(a, b) /* * Macros to define sysctl entries. Which to use? Pure data that are * returned without modification, SYSCTL_<data type> is for you, like * SYSCTL_QUAD for a 64-bit value. When you want to run a handler of your * own, SYSCTL_PROC. * * parent: parent in name hierarchy (e.g. _kern for "kern") * nbr: ID. Almost certainly OID_AUTO ("pick one for me") for you. * name: name for this particular item (e.g. "thesysctl" for "kern.thesysctl") * kind/access: Control flags (CTLFLAG_*). Some notable options include: * CTLFLAG_ANYBODY: non-root users allowed * CTLFLAG_MASKED: don't show in sysctl listing in userland * CTLFLAG_LOCKED: does own locking (no additional protection needed) * CTLFLAG_KERN: valid inside kernel (best avoided generally) * CTLFLAG_WR: "new" value accepted * a1, a2: entry-data, passed to handler (see specific macros) * Format String: Tells "sysctl" tool how to print data from this entry. * "A" - string * "I" - list of integers. "IU" - list of unsigned integers. space-separated. * "-" - do not print * "L" - longs, as ints with I * "P" - pointer * "Q" - quads * "S","T" - clock info, see sysctl.c in system_cmds (you probably don't need this) * Description: unused */ /* This constructs a "raw" MIB oid. */ #define SYSCTL_STRUCT_INIT(parent, nbr, name, kind, a1, a2, handler, fmt, descr) \ { \ &sysctl_##parent##_children, { 0 }, \ nbr, (int)(kind|CTLFLAG_OID2), a1, (int)(a2), #name, handler, fmt, descr, SYSCTL_OID_VERSION, 0 \ } #define SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, kind, a1, a2, handler, fmt, descr) \ struct sysctl_oid sysctl_##parent##_##name = SYSCTL_STRUCT_INIT(parent, nbr, name, kind, a1, a2, handler, fmt, descr); \ SYSCTL_LINKER_SET_ENTRY(__sysctl_set, sysctl_##parent##_##name) /* This constructs a node from which other oids can hang. */ #define SYSCTL_NODE(parent, nbr, name, access, handler, descr) \ struct sysctl_oid_list sysctl_##parent##_##name##_children; \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, CTLTYPE_NODE|access, \ (void*)&sysctl_##parent##_##name##_children, 0, handler, \ "N", descr); /* Oid for a string. len can be 0 to indicate '\0' termination. */ #define SYSCTL_STRING(parent, nbr, name, access, arg, len, descr) \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, CTLTYPE_STRING|access, \ arg, len, sysctl_handle_string, "A", descr) #define SYSCTL_COMPAT_INT(parent, nbr, name, access, ptr, val, descr) \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, CTLTYPE_INT|access, \ ptr, val, sysctl_handle_int, "I", descr) #define SYSCTL_COMPAT_UINT(parent, nbr, name, access, ptr, val, descr) \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, CTLTYPE_INT|access, \ ptr, val, sysctl_handle_int, "IU", descr) /* Oid for an int. If ptr is NULL, val is returned. */ #define SYSCTL_INT(parent, nbr, name, access, ptr, val, descr) \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, CTLTYPE_INT|access, \ ptr, val, sysctl_handle_int, "I", descr); \ typedef char _sysctl_##parent##_##name##_size_check[(__builtin_constant_p(ptr) || sizeof(*(ptr)) == sizeof(int)) ? 0 : -1]; /* Oid for an unsigned int. If ptr is NULL, val is returned. */ #define SYSCTL_UINT(parent, nbr, name, access, ptr, val, descr) \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, CTLTYPE_INT|access, \ ptr, val, sysctl_handle_int, "IU", descr); \ typedef char _sysctl_##parent##_##name##_size_check[(__builtin_constant_p(ptr) || sizeof(*(ptr)) == sizeof(unsigned int)) ? 0 : -1]; /* Oid for a long. The pointer must be non NULL. */ #define SYSCTL_LONG(parent, nbr, name, access, ptr, descr) \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, CTLTYPE_INT|access, \ ptr, 0, sysctl_handle_long, "L", descr); \ typedef char _sysctl_##parent##_##name##_size_check[(__builtin_constant_p(ptr) || sizeof(*(ptr)) == sizeof(long)) ? 0 : -1]; /* Oid for a unsigned long. The pointer must be non NULL. */ #define SYSCTL_ULONG(parent, nbr, name, access, ptr, descr) \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, CTLTYPE_INT|access, \ ptr, 0, sysctl_handle_long, "LU", descr); \ typedef char _sysctl_##parent##_##name##_size_check[(__builtin_constant_p(ptr) || sizeof(*(ptr)) == sizeof(unsigned long)) ? 0 : -1]; /* Oid for a quad. The pointer must be non NULL. */ #define SYSCTL_QUAD(parent, nbr, name, access, ptr, descr) \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, CTLTYPE_QUAD|access, \ ptr, 0, sysctl_handle_quad, "Q", descr); \ typedef char _sysctl_##parent##_##name##_size_check[(__builtin_constant_p(ptr) || sizeof(*(ptr)) == sizeof(long long)) ? 0 : -1]; /* Oid for an opaque object. Specified by a pointer and a length. */ #define SYSCTL_OPAQUE(parent, nbr, name, access, ptr, len, fmt, descr) \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, CTLTYPE_OPAQUE|access, \ ptr, len, sysctl_handle_opaque, fmt, descr) /* Oid for a struct. Specified by a pointer and a type. */ #define SYSCTL_STRUCT(parent, nbr, name, access, ptr, type, descr) \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, CTLTYPE_OPAQUE|access, \ ptr, sizeof(struct type), sysctl_handle_opaque, \ "S," #type, descr) /* * Oid for a procedure. Specified by a pointer and an arg. * CTLTYPE_* macros can determine how the "sysctl" tool deals with * input (e.g. converting to int). */ #define SYSCTL_PROC(parent, nbr, name, access, ptr, arg, handler, fmt, descr) \ SYSCTL_OID(parent, nbr, name, access, \ ptr, arg, handler, fmt, descr) extern struct sysctl_oid_list sysctl__children; SYSCTL_DECL(_kern); SYSCTL_DECL(_sysctl); SYSCTL_DECL(_vm); SYSCTL_DECL(_vfs); SYSCTL_DECL(_net); SYSCTL_DECL(_debug); SYSCTL_DECL(_hw); SYSCTL_DECL(_machdep); SYSCTL_DECL(_user); #ifndef SYSCTL_SKMEM_UPDATE_FIELD #define SYSCTL_SKMEM 0 #define SYSCTL_SKMEM_UPDATE_FIELD(field, value) #define SYSCTL_SKMEM_UPDATE_AT_OFFSET(offset, value) #define SYSCTL_SKMEM_INT(parent, oid, sysctl_name, access, ptr, offset, descr) \ SYSCTL_INT(parent, oid, sysctl_name, access, ptr, 0, descr) #define SYSCTL_SKMEM_TCP_INT(oid, sysctl_name, access, variable_type, \ variable_name, initial_value, descr) \ variable_type variable_name = initial_value; \ SYSCTL_SKMEM_INT(_net_inet_tcp, oid, sysctl_name, access, \ &variable_name, 0, descr) #else /* SYSCTL_SKMEM_UPDATE_FIELD */ #define SYSCTL_SKMEM 1 #endif /* SYSCTL_SKMEM_UPDATE_FIELD */ #ifdef SYSCTL_DEF_ENABLED /* * Top-level identifiers */ #define CTL_UNSPEC 0 /* unused */ #define CTL_KERN 1 /* "high kernel": proc, limits */ #define CTL_VM 2 /* virtual memory */ #define CTL_VFS 3 /* file system, mount type is next */ #define CTL_NET 4 /* network, see socket.h */ #define CTL_DEBUG 5 /* debugging parameters */ #define CTL_HW 6 /* generic cpu/io */ #define CTL_MACHDEP 7 /* machine dependent */ #define CTL_USER 8 /* user-level */ #define CTL_MAXID 9 /* number of valid top-level ids */ #define CTL_NAMES { \ { 0, 0 }, \ { "kern", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "vm", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "vfs", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "net", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "debug", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "hw", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "machdep", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "user", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ } /* * CTL_KERN identifiers */ #define KERN_OSTYPE 1 /* string: system version */ #define KERN_OSRELEASE 2 /* string: system release */ #define KERN_OSREV 3 /* int: system revision */ #define KERN_VERSION 4 /* string: compile time info */ #define KERN_MAXVNODES 5 /* int: max vnodes */ #define KERN_MAXPROC 6 /* int: max processes */ #define KERN_MAXFILES 7 /* int: max open files */ #define KERN_ARGMAX 8 /* int: max arguments to exec */ #define KERN_SECURELVL 9 /* int: system security level */ #define KERN_HOSTNAME 10 /* string: hostname */ #define KERN_HOSTID 11 /* int: host identifier */ #define KERN_CLOCKRATE 12 /* struct: struct clockrate */ #define KERN_VNODE 13 /* struct: vnode structures */ #define KERN_PROC 14 /* struct: process entries */ #define KERN_FILE 15 /* struct: file entries */ #define KERN_PROF 16 /* node: kernel profiling info */ #define KERN_POSIX1 17 /* int: POSIX.1 version */ #define KERN_NGROUPS 18 /* int: # of supplemental group ids */ #define KERN_JOB_CONTROL 19 /* int: is job control available */ #define KERN_SAVED_IDS 20 /* int: saved set-user/group-ID */ #define KERN_BOOTTIME 21 /* struct: time kernel was booted */ #define KERN_NISDOMAINNAME 22 /* string: YP domain name */ #define KERN_DOMAINNAME KERN_NISDOMAINNAME #define KERN_MAXPARTITIONS 23 /* int: number of partitions/disk */ #define KERN_KDEBUG 24 /* int: kernel trace points */ #define KERN_UPDATEINTERVAL 25 /* int: update process sleep time */ #define KERN_OSRELDATE 26 /* int: OS release date */ #define KERN_NTP_PLL 27 /* node: NTP PLL control */ #define KERN_BOOTFILE 28 /* string: name of booted kernel */ #define KERN_MAXFILESPERPROC 29 /* int: max open files per proc */ #define KERN_MAXPROCPERUID 30 /* int: max processes per uid */ #define KERN_DUMPDEV 31 /* dev_t: device to dump on */ #define KERN_IPC 32 /* node: anything related to IPC */ #define KERN_DUMMY 33 /* unused */ #define KERN_PS_STRINGS 34 /* int: address of PS_STRINGS */ #define KERN_USRSTACK32 35 /* int: address of USRSTACK */ #define KERN_LOGSIGEXIT 36 /* int: do we log sigexit procs? */ #define KERN_SYMFILE 37 /* string: kernel symbol filename */ #define KERN_PROCARGS 38 /* 39 was KERN_PCSAMPLES... now deprecated */ #define KERN_NETBOOT 40 /* int: are we netbooted? 1=yes,0=no */ /* 41 was KERN_PANICINFO : panic UI information (deprecated) */ #define KERN_SYSV 42 /* node: System V IPC information */ #define KERN_AFFINITY 43 /* xxx */ #define KERN_TRANSLATE 44 /* xxx */ #define KERN_CLASSIC KERN_TRANSLATE /* XXX backwards compat */ #define KERN_EXEC 45 /* xxx */ #define KERN_CLASSICHANDLER KERN_EXEC /* XXX backwards compatibility */ #define KERN_AIOMAX 46 /* int: max aio requests */ #define KERN_AIOPROCMAX 47 /* int: max aio requests per process */ #define KERN_AIOTHREADS 48 /* int: max aio worker threads */ #ifdef __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE #define KERN_PROCARGS2 49 #endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */ #define KERN_COREFILE 50 /* string: corefile format string */ #define KERN_COREDUMP 51 /* int: whether to coredump at all */ #define KERN_SUGID_COREDUMP 52 /* int: whether to dump SUGID cores */ #define KERN_PROCDELAYTERM 53 /* int: set/reset current proc for delayed termination during shutdown */ #define KERN_SHREG_PRIVATIZABLE 54 /* int: can shared regions be privatized ? */ /* 55 was KERN_PROC_LOW_PRI_IO... now deprecated */ #define KERN_LOW_PRI_WINDOW 56 /* int: set/reset throttle window - milliseconds */ #define KERN_LOW_PRI_DELAY 57 /* int: set/reset throttle delay - milliseconds */ #define KERN_POSIX 58 /* node: posix tunables */ #define KERN_USRSTACK64 59 /* LP64 user stack query */ #define KERN_NX_PROTECTION 60 /* int: whether no-execute protection is enabled */ #define KERN_TFP 61 /* Task for pid settings */ #define KERN_PROCNAME 62 /* setup process program name(2*MAXCOMLEN) */ #define KERN_THALTSTACK 63 /* for compat with older x86 and does nothing */ #define KERN_SPECULATIVE_READS 64 /* int: whether speculative reads are disabled */ #define KERN_OSVERSION 65 /* for build number i.e. 9A127 */ #define KERN_SAFEBOOT 66 /* are we booted safe? */ /* 67 was KERN_LCTX (login context) */ #define KERN_RAGEVNODE 68 #define KERN_TTY 69 /* node: tty settings */ #define KERN_CHECKOPENEVT 70 /* spi: check the VOPENEVT flag on vnodes at open time */ #define KERN_THREADNAME 71 /* set/get thread name */ #define KERN_MAXID 72 /* number of valid kern ids */ /* * Don't add any more sysctls like this. Instead, use the SYSCTL_*() macros * and OID_AUTO. This will have the added benefit of not having to recompile * sysctl(8) to pick up your changes. */ #if COUNT_SYSCALLS && defined(KERNEL) #define KERN_COUNT_SYSCALLS (KERN_OSTYPE + 1000) /* keep called count for each bsd syscall */ #endif #if defined(__LP64__) #define KERN_USRSTACK KERN_USRSTACK64 #else #define KERN_USRSTACK KERN_USRSTACK32 #endif /* KERN_RAGEVNODE types */ #define KERN_RAGE_PROC 1 #define KERN_RAGE_THREAD 2 #define KERN_UNRAGE_PROC 3 #define KERN_UNRAGE_THREAD 4 /* KERN_OPENEVT types */ #define KERN_OPENEVT_PROC 1 #define KERN_UNOPENEVT_PROC 2 /* KERN_TFP types */ #define KERN_TFP_POLICY 1 /* KERN_TFP_POLICY values . All policies allow task port for self */ #define KERN_TFP_POLICY_DENY 0 /* Deny Mode: None allowed except privileged */ #define KERN_TFP_POLICY_DEFAULT 2 /* Default Mode: related ones allowed and upcall authentication */ /* KERN_KDEBUG types */ #define KERN_KDEFLAGS 1 #define KERN_KDDFLAGS 2 #define KERN_KDENABLE 3 #define KERN_KDSETBUF 4 #define KERN_KDGETBUF 5 #define KERN_KDSETUP 6 #define KERN_KDREMOVE 7 #define KERN_KDSETREG 8 #define KERN_KDGETREG 9 #define KERN_KDREADTR 10 #define KERN_KDPIDTR 11 #define KERN_KDTHRMAP 12 /* Don't use 13 as it is overloaded with KERN_VNODE */ #define KERN_KDPIDEX 14 #define KERN_KDSETRTCDEC 15 /* obsolete */ #define KERN_KDGETENTROPY 16 /* obsolete */ #define KERN_KDWRITETR 17 #define KERN_KDWRITEMAP 18 #define KERN_KDTEST 19 /* 20 unused */ #define KERN_KDREADCURTHRMAP 21 #define KERN_KDSET_TYPEFILTER 22 #define KERN_KDBUFWAIT 23 #define KERN_KDCPUMAP 24 /* 25 - 26 unused */ #define KERN_KDWRITEMAP_V3 27 #define KERN_KDWRITETR_V3 28 #define CTL_KERN_NAMES { \ { 0, 0 }, \ { "ostype", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "osrelease", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "osrevision", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "version", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "maxvnodes", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "maxproc", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "maxfiles", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "argmax", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "securelevel", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "hostname", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "hostid", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "clockrate", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ { "vnode", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ { "proc", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ { "file", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ { "profiling", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "posix1version", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "ngroups", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "job_control", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "saved_ids", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "boottime", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ { "nisdomainname", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "maxpartitions", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "kdebug", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "update", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "osreldate", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "ntp_pll", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "bootfile", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "maxfilesperproc", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "maxprocperuid", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "dumpdev", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, /* we lie; don't print as int */ \ { "ipc", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "dummy", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "dummy", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "usrstack", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "logsigexit", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "symfile",CTLTYPE_STRING },\ { "procargs",CTLTYPE_STRUCT },\ { "dummy", CTLTYPE_INT }, /* deprecated pcsamples */ \ { "netboot", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "dummy", CTLTYPE_INT }, /* deprecated: panicinfo */ \ { "sysv", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "dummy", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "dummy", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "exec", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "aiomax", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "aioprocmax", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "aiothreads", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "procargs2",CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ { "corefile",CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "coredump", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "sugid_coredump", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "delayterm", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "shreg_private", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "proc_low_pri_io", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "low_pri_window", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "low_pri_delay", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "posix", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "usrstack64", CTLTYPE_QUAD }, \ { "nx", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "tfp", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "procname", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "threadsigaltstack", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "speculative_reads_disabled", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "osversion", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "safeboot", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "dummy", CTLTYPE_INT }, /* deprecated: lctx */ \ { "rage_vnode", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "tty", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ { "check_openevt", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "thread_name", CTLTYPE_STRING } \ } /* * CTL_VFS identifiers */ #define CTL_VFS_NAMES { \ { "vfsconf", CTLTYPE_STRUCT } \ } /* * KERN_PROC subtypes */ #define KERN_PROC_ALL 0 /* everything */ #define KERN_PROC_PID 1 /* by process id */ #define KERN_PROC_PGRP 2 /* by process group id */ #define KERN_PROC_SESSION 3 /* by session of pid */ #define KERN_PROC_TTY 4 /* by controlling tty */ #define KERN_PROC_UID 5 /* by effective uid */ #define KERN_PROC_RUID 6 /* by real uid */ #define KERN_PROC_LCID 7 /* by login context id */ /* * KERN_IPC identifiers */ #define KIPC_MAXSOCKBUF 1 /* int: max size of a socket buffer */ #define KIPC_SOCKBUF_WASTE 2 /* int: wastage factor in sockbuf */ #define KIPC_SOMAXCONN 3 /* int: max length of connection q */ #define KIPC_MAX_LINKHDR 4 /* int: max length of link header */ #define KIPC_MAX_PROTOHDR 5 /* int: max length of network header */ #define KIPC_MAX_HDR 6 /* int: max total length of headers */ #define KIPC_MAX_DATALEN 7 /* int: max length of data? */ #define KIPC_MBSTAT 8 /* struct: mbuf usage statistics */ #define KIPC_NMBCLUSTERS 9 /* int: maximum mbuf clusters */ #define KIPC_SOQLIMITCOMPAT 10 /* int: socket queue limit */ /* * CTL_VM identifiers */ #define VM_METER 1 /* struct vmmeter */ #define VM_LOADAVG 2 /* struct loadavg */ /* * Note: "3" was skipped sometime ago and should probably remain unused * to avoid any new entry from being accepted by older kernels... */ #define VM_MACHFACTOR 4 /* struct loadavg with mach factor*/ #define VM_SWAPUSAGE 5 /* total swap usage */ #define VM_MAXID 6 /* number of valid vm ids */ #define CTL_VM_NAMES { \ { 0, 0 }, \ { "vmmeter", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ { "loadavg", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ { 0, 0 }, /* placeholder for "3" (see comment above) */ \ { "dummy", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "swapusage", CTLTYPE_STRUCT } \ } struct xsw_usage { u_int64_t xsu_total; u_int64_t xsu_avail; u_int64_t xsu_used; u_int32_t xsu_pagesize; boolean_t xsu_encrypted; }; #ifdef __APPLE_API_PRIVATE /* Load average structure. Use of fixpt_t assume <sys/types.h> in scope. */ /* XXX perhaps we should protect fixpt_t, and define it here (or discard it) */ struct loadavg { fixpt_t ldavg[3]; long fscale; }; extern struct loadavg averunnable; #define LSCALE 1000 /* scaling for "fixed point" arithmetic */ #endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */ /* * CTL_HW identifiers */ #define HW_MACHINE 1 /* string: machine class */ #define HW_MODEL 2 /* string: specific machine model */ #define HW_NCPU 3 /* int: number of cpus */ #define HW_BYTEORDER 4 /* int: machine byte order */ #define HW_PHYSMEM 5 /* int: total memory */ #define HW_USERMEM 6 /* int: non-kernel memory */ #define HW_PAGESIZE 7 /* int: software page size */ #define HW_DISKNAMES 8 /* strings: disk drive names */ #define HW_DISKSTATS 9 /* struct: diskstats[] */ #define HW_EPOCH 10 /* int: 0 for Legacy, else NewWorld */ #define HW_FLOATINGPT 11 /* int: has HW floating point? */ #define HW_MACHINE_ARCH 12 /* string: machine architecture */ #define HW_VECTORUNIT 13 /* int: has HW vector unit? */ #define HW_BUS_FREQ 14 /* int: Bus Frequency */ #define HW_CPU_FREQ 15 /* int: CPU Frequency */ #define HW_CACHELINE 16 /* int: Cache Line Size in Bytes */ #define HW_L1ICACHESIZE 17 /* int: L1 I Cache Size in Bytes */ #define HW_L1DCACHESIZE 18 /* int: L1 D Cache Size in Bytes */ #define HW_L2SETTINGS 19 /* int: L2 Cache Settings */ #define HW_L2CACHESIZE 20 /* int: L2 Cache Size in Bytes */ #define HW_L3SETTINGS 21 /* int: L3 Cache Settings */ #define HW_L3CACHESIZE 22 /* int: L3 Cache Size in Bytes */ #define HW_TB_FREQ 23 /* int: Bus Frequency */ #define HW_MEMSIZE 24 /* uint64_t: physical ram size */ #define HW_AVAILCPU 25 /* int: number of available CPUs */ #define HW_MAXID 26 /* number of valid hw ids */ #define CTL_HW_NAMES { \ { 0, 0 }, \ { "machine", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "model", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "ncpu", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "byteorder", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "physmem", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "usermem", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "pagesize", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "disknames", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ { "diskstats", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ { "epoch", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "floatingpoint", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "machinearch", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "vectorunit", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "busfrequency", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "cpufrequency", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "cachelinesize", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "l1icachesize", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "l1dcachesize", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "l2settings", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "l2cachesize", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "l3settings", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "l3cachesize", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "tbfrequency", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "memsize", CTLTYPE_QUAD }, \ { "availcpu", CTLTYPE_INT } \ } /* * XXX This information should be moved to the man page. * * These are the support HW selectors for sysctlbyname. Parameters that are byte counts or frequencies are 64 bit numbers. * All other parameters are 32 bit numbers. * * hw.memsize - The number of bytes of physical memory in the system. * * hw.ncpu - The maximum number of processors that could be available this boot. * Use this value for sizing of static per processor arrays; i.e. processor load statistics. * * hw.activecpu - The number of processors currently available for executing threads. * Use this number to determine the number threads to create in SMP aware applications. * This number can change when power management modes are changed. * * hw.physicalcpu - The number of physical processors available in the current power management mode. * hw.physicalcpu_max - The maximum number of physical processors that could be available this boot * * hw.logicalcpu - The number of logical processors available in the current power management mode. * hw.logicalcpu_max - The maximum number of logical processors that could be available this boot * * hw.tbfrequency - This gives the time base frequency used by the OS and is the basis of all timing services. * In general is is better to use mach's or higher level timing services, but this value * is needed to convert the PPC Time Base registers to real time. * * hw.cpufrequency - These values provide the current, min and max cpu frequency. The min and max are for * hw.cpufrequency_max - all power management modes. The current frequency is the max frequency in the current mode. * hw.cpufrequency_min - All frequencies are in Hz. * * hw.busfrequency - These values provide the current, min and max bus frequency. The min and max are for * hw.busfrequency_max - all power management modes. The current frequency is the max frequency in the current mode. * hw.busfrequency_min - All frequencies are in Hz. * * hw.cputype - These values provide the mach-o cpu type and subtype. A complete list is in <mach/machine.h> * hw.cpusubtype - These values should be used to determine what processor family the running cpu is from so that * the best binary can be chosen, or the best dynamic code generated. They should not be used * to determine if a given processor feature is available. * hw.cputhreadtype - This value will be present if the processor supports threads. Like hw.cpusubtype this selector * should not be used to infer features, and only used to name the processors thread architecture. * The values are defined in <mach/machine.h> * * hw.byteorder - Gives the byte order of the processor. 4321 for big endian, 1234 for little. * * hw.pagesize - Gives the size in bytes of the pages used by the processor and VM system. * * hw.cachelinesize - Gives the size in bytes of the processor's cache lines. * This value should be use to control the strides of loops that use cache control instructions * like dcbz, dcbt or dcbst. * * hw.l1dcachesize - These values provide the size in bytes of the L1, L2 and L3 caches. If a cache is not present * hw.l1icachesize - then the selector will return and error. * hw.l2cachesize - * hw.l3cachesize - * * hw.packages - Gives the number of processor packages. * * These are the selectors for optional processor features for specific processors. Selectors that return errors are not support * on the system. Supported features will return 1 if they are recommended or 0 if they are supported but are not expected to help . * performance. Future versions of these selectors may return larger values as necessary so it is best to test for non zero. * * For PowerPC: * * hw.optional.floatingpoint - Floating Point Instructions * hw.optional.altivec - AltiVec Instructions * hw.optional.graphicsops - Graphics Operations * hw.optional.64bitops - 64-bit Instructions * hw.optional.fsqrt - HW Floating Point Square Root Instruction * hw.optional.stfiwx - Store Floating Point as Integer Word Indexed Instructions * hw.optional.dcba - Data Cache Block Allocate Instruction * hw.optional.datastreams - Data Streams Instructions * hw.optional.dcbtstreams - Data Cache Block Touch Steams Instruction Form * * For x86 Architecture: * * hw.optional.floatingpoint - Floating Point Instructions * hw.optional.mmx - Original MMX vector instructions * hw.optional.sse - Streaming SIMD Extensions * hw.optional.sse2 - Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 * hw.optional.sse3 - Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 * hw.optional.supplementalsse3 - Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 * hw.optional.x86_64 - 64-bit support */ /* * CTL_USER definitions */ #define USER_CS_PATH 1 /* string: _CS_PATH */ #define USER_BC_BASE_MAX 2 /* int: BC_BASE_MAX */ #define USER_BC_DIM_MAX 3 /* int: BC_DIM_MAX */ #define USER_BC_SCALE_MAX 4 /* int: BC_SCALE_MAX */ #define USER_BC_STRING_MAX 5 /* int: BC_STRING_MAX */ #define USER_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX 6 /* int: COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX */ #define USER_EXPR_NEST_MAX 7 /* int: EXPR_NEST_MAX */ #define USER_LINE_MAX 8 /* int: LINE_MAX */ #define USER_RE_DUP_MAX 9 /* int: RE_DUP_MAX */ #define USER_POSIX2_VERSION 10 /* int: POSIX2_VERSION */ #define USER_POSIX2_C_BIND 11 /* int: POSIX2_C_BIND */ #define USER_POSIX2_C_DEV 12 /* int: POSIX2_C_DEV */ #define USER_POSIX2_CHAR_TERM 13 /* int: POSIX2_CHAR_TERM */ #define USER_POSIX2_FORT_DEV 14 /* int: POSIX2_FORT_DEV */ #define USER_POSIX2_FORT_RUN 15 /* int: POSIX2_FORT_RUN */ #define USER_POSIX2_LOCALEDEF 16 /* int: POSIX2_LOCALEDEF */ #define USER_POSIX2_SW_DEV 17 /* int: POSIX2_SW_DEV */ #define USER_POSIX2_UPE 18 /* int: POSIX2_UPE */ #define USER_STREAM_MAX 19 /* int: POSIX2_STREAM_MAX */ #define USER_TZNAME_MAX 20 /* int: POSIX2_TZNAME_MAX */ #define USER_MAXID 21 /* number of valid user ids */ #define CTL_USER_NAMES { \ { 0, 0 }, \ { "cs_path", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \ { "bc_base_max", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "bc_dim_max", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "bc_scale_max", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "bc_string_max", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "coll_weights_max", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "expr_nest_max", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "line_max", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "re_dup_max", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "posix2_version", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "posix2_c_bind", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "posix2_c_dev", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "posix2_char_term", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "posix2_fort_dev", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "posix2_fort_run", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "posix2_localedef", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "posix2_sw_dev", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "posix2_upe", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "stream_max", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "tzname_max", CTLTYPE_INT } \ } /* * CTL_DEBUG definitions * * Second level identifier specifies which debug variable. * Third level identifier specifies which stucture component. */ #define CTL_DEBUG_NAME 0 /* string: variable name */ #define CTL_DEBUG_VALUE 1 /* int: variable value */ #define CTL_DEBUG_MAXID 20 #if (CTL_MAXID != 9) || (KERN_MAXID != 72) || (VM_MAXID != 6) || (HW_MAXID != 26) || (USER_MAXID != 21) || (CTL_DEBUG_MAXID != 20) #error Use the SYSCTL_*() macros and OID_AUTO instead! #endif #endif /* SYSCTL_DEF_ENABLED */ #endif /* !_SYS_SYSCTL_H_ */
/* * sysctl.c * $Id: sysctl.c 120072 2014-05-14 22:29:40Z cal@macports.org $ * * Copyright (c) 2009 The MacPorts Project * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of The MacPorts Project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <tcl.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #if HAVE_SYS_SYSCTL_H #include <sys/sysctl.h> #endif #include "sysctl.h" /* * Read-only wrapper for sysctlbyname(3). Only works for values of type CTLTYPE_INT and CTLTYPE_QUAD. */ #ifdef HAVE_SYSCTLBYNAME int SysctlCmd(ClientData clientData UNUSED, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) #else int SysctlCmd(ClientData clientData UNUSED, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc UNUSED, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] UNUSED) #endif { #ifdef HAVE_SYSCTLBYNAME const char error_message[] = "sysctl failed: "; Tcl_Obj *tcl_result; int res; char *name; int value; Tcl_WideInt long_value; size_t len = sizeof(value); if (objc != 2) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "name"); return TCL_ERROR; } name = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]); res = sysctlbyname(name, &value, &len, NULL, 0); if (res == -1 && errno != ENOMEM && errno != ERANGE) { tcl_result = Tcl_NewStringObj(error_message, sizeof(error_message) - 1); Tcl_AppendObjToObj(tcl_result, Tcl_NewStringObj(strerror(errno), -1)); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, tcl_result); return TCL_ERROR; } else if (res == -1) { len = sizeof(long_value); res = sysctlbyname(name, &long_value, &len, NULL, 0); if (res == -1) { tcl_result = Tcl_NewStringObj(error_message, sizeof(error_message) - 1); Tcl_AppendObjToObj(tcl_result, Tcl_NewStringObj(strerror(errno), -1)); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, tcl_result); return TCL_ERROR; } tcl_result = Tcl_NewWideIntObj(long_value); } else { tcl_result = Tcl_NewIntObj(value); } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, tcl_result); return TCL_OK; #else Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("sysctl not available", -1)); return TCL_ERROR; #endif }
* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
* These are the support HW selectors for sysctlbyname. Parameters that are byte counts or frequencies are 64 bit numbers.
* All other parameters are 32 bit numbers.
* hw.memsize - The number of bytes of physical memory in the system.
* hw.ncpu - The maximum number of processors that could be available this boot.
* Use this value for sizing of static per processor arrays; i.e. processor load statistics.
* hw.activecpu - The number of processors currently available for executing threads.
* Use this number to determine the number threads to create in SMP aware applications.
* This number can change when power management modes are changed.
* hw.physicalcpu - The number of physical processors available in the current power management mode.
* hw.physicalcpu_max - The maximum number of physical processors that could be available this boot
* hw.logicalcpu - The number of logical processors available in the current power management mode.
* hw.logicalcpu_max - The maximum number of logical processors that could be available this boot
* hw.tbfrequency - This gives the time base frequency used by the OS and is the basis of all timing services.
* In general is is better to use mach's or higher level timing services, but this value
* is needed to convert the PPC Time Base registers to real time.
* hw.cpufrequency - These values provide the current, min and max cpu frequency. The min and max are for
* hw.cpufrequency_max - all power management modes. The current frequency is the max frequency in the current mode.
* hw.cpufrequency_min - All frequencies are in Hz.
* hw.busfrequency - These values provide the current, min and max bus frequency. The min and max are for
* hw.busfrequency_max - all power management modes. The current frequency is the max frequency in the current mode.
* hw.busfrequency_min - All frequencies are in Hz.
* hw.cputype - These values provide the mach-o cpu type and subtype. A complete list is in <mach/machine.h>
* hw.cpusubtype - These values should be used to determine what processor family the running cpu is from so that
* the best binary can be chosen, or the best dynamic code generated. They should not be used
* to determine if a given processor feature is available.
* hw.cputhreadtype - This value will be present if the processor supports threads. Like hw.cpusubtype this selector
* should not be used to infer features, and only used to name the processors thread architecture.
* The values are defined in <mach/machine.h>
* hw.byteorder - Gives the byte order of the processor. 4321 for big endian, 1234 for little.
* hw.pagesize - Gives the size in bytes of the pages used by the processor and VM system.
* hw.cachelinesize - Gives the size in bytes of the processor's cache lines.
* This value should be use to control the strides of loops that use cache control instructions
* like dcbz, dcbt or dcbst.
* hw.l1dcachesize - These values provide the size in bytes of the L1, L2 and L3 caches. If a cache is not present
* hw.l1icachesize - then the selector will return and error.
* hw.l2cachesize -
* hw.l3cachesize -
* These are the selectors for optional processor features. Selectors that return errors are not support on the system.
* Supported features will return 1 if they are recommended or 0 if they are supported but are not expected to help performance.
* Future versions of these selectors may return larger values as necessary so it is best to test for non zero.
* hw.optional.floatingpoint - Floating Point Instructions
* hw.optional.altivec - AltiVec Instructions
* hw.optional.graphicsops - Graphics Operations
* hw.optional.64bitops - 64-bit Instructions
* hw.optional.fsqrt - HW Floating Point Square Root Instruction
* hw.optional.stfiwx - Store Floating Point as Integer Word Indexed Instructions
* hw.optional.dcba - Data Cache Block Allocate Instruction
* hw.optional.datastreams - Data Streams Instructions
* hw.optional.dcbtstreams - Data Cache Block Touch Steams Instruction Form
* Sysctl handling
int sysctlbyname(const char *, void *, size_t *, void *, size_t);
#endif /* LIBKERN_SYSCTL_H */
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "sysinfo.h"
#include "internal_macros.h"
#include <Shlwapi.h>
#include <VersionHelpers.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h> // this header must be included before 'sys/sysctl.h' to avoid compilation error on FreeBSD
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <mutex>
#include "arraysize.h"
#include "check.h"
#include "cycleclock.h"
#include "internal_macros.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "string_util.h"
namespace benchmark {
namespace {
std::once_flag cpuinfo_init;
double cpuinfo_cycles_per_second = 1.0;
int cpuinfo_num_cpus = 1; // Conservative guess
const int64_t estimate_time_ms = 1000;
// Helper function estimates cycles/sec by observing cycles elapsed during
// sleep(). Using small sleep time decreases accuracy significantly.
int64_t EstimateCyclesPerSecond() {
const int64_t start_ticks = cycleclock::Now();
return cycleclock::Now() - start_ticks;
// Helper function for reading an int from a file. Returns true if successful
// and the memory location pointed to by value is set to the value read.
bool ReadIntFromFile(const char* file, long* value) {
bool ret = false;
int fd = open(file, O_RDONLY);
if (fd != -1) {
char line[1024];
char* err;
memset(line, '\0', sizeof(line));
ssize_t read_err = read(fd, line, sizeof(line) - 1);
((void)read_err); // prevent unused warning
CHECK(read_err >= 0);
const long temp_value = strtol(line, &err, 10);
if (line[0] != '\0' && (*err == '\n' || *err == '\0')) {
*value = temp_value;
ret = true;
return ret;
static std::string convertToLowerCase(std::string s) {
for (auto& ch : s)
ch = std::tolower(ch);
return s;
static bool startsWithKey(std::string Value, std::string Key,
bool IgnoreCase = true) {
if (IgnoreCase) {
Key = convertToLowerCase(std::move(Key));
Value = convertToLowerCase(std::move(Value));
return Value.compare(0, Key.size(), Key) == 0;
void InitializeSystemInfo() {
char line[1024];
char* err;
long freq;
bool saw_mhz = false;
// If the kernel is exporting the tsc frequency use that. There are issues
// where cpuinfo_max_freq cannot be relied on because the BIOS may be
// exporintg an invalid p-state (on x86) or p-states may be used to put the
// processor in a new mode (turbo mode). Essentially, those frequencies
// cannot always be relied upon. The same reasons apply to /proc/cpuinfo as
// well.
if (!saw_mhz &&
ReadIntFromFile("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/tsc_freq_khz", &freq)) {
// The value is in kHz (as the file name suggests). For example, on a
// 2GHz warpstation, the file contains the value "2000000".
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second = freq * 1000.0;
saw_mhz = true;
// If CPU scaling is in effect, we want to use the *maximum* frequency,
// not whatever CPU speed some random processor happens to be using now.
if (!saw_mhz &&
&freq)) {
// The value is in kHz. For example, on a 2GHz warpstation, the file
// contains the value "2000000".
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second = freq * 1000.0;
saw_mhz = true;
// Read /proc/cpuinfo for other values, and if there is no cpuinfo_max_freq.
const char* pname = "/proc/cpuinfo";
int fd = open(pname, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
if (!saw_mhz) {
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second =
double bogo_clock = 1.0;
bool saw_bogo = false;
long max_cpu_id = 0;
int num_cpus = 0;
line[0] = line[1] = '\0';
size_t chars_read = 0;
do { // we'll exit when the last read didn't read anything
// Move the next line to the beginning of the buffer
const size_t oldlinelen = strlen(line);
if (sizeof(line) == oldlinelen + 1) // oldlinelen took up entire line
line[0] = '\0';
else // still other lines left to save
memmove(line, line + oldlinelen + 1, sizeof(line) - (oldlinelen + 1));
// Terminate the new line, reading more if we can't find the newline
char* newline = strchr(line, '\n');
if (newline == nullptr) {
const size_t linelen = strlen(line);
const size_t bytes_to_read = sizeof(line) - 1 - linelen;
CHECK(bytes_to_read > 0); // because the memmove recovered >=1 bytes
chars_read = read(fd, line + linelen, bytes_to_read);
line[linelen + chars_read] = '\0';
newline = strchr(line, '\n');
if (newline != nullptr) *newline = '\0';
// When parsing the "cpu MHz" and "bogomips" (fallback) entries, we only
// accept postive values. Some environments (virtual machines) report zero,
// which would cause infinite looping in WallTime_Init.
if (!saw_mhz && startsWithKey(line, "cpu MHz")) {
const char* freqstr = strchr(line, ':');
if (freqstr) {
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second = strtod(freqstr + 1, &err) * 1000000.0;
if (freqstr[1] != '\0' && *err == '\0' && cpuinfo_cycles_per_second > 0)
saw_mhz = true;
} else if (startsWithKey(line, "bogomips")) {
const char* freqstr = strchr(line, ':');
if (freqstr) {
bogo_clock = strtod(freqstr + 1, &err) * 1000000.0;
if (freqstr[1] != '\0' && *err == '\0' && bogo_clock > 0)
saw_bogo = true;
} else if (startsWithKey(line, "processor", /*IgnoreCase*/false)) {
// The above comparison is case-sensitive because ARM kernels often
// include a "Processor" line that tells you about the CPU, distinct
// from the usual "processor" lines that give you CPU ids. No current
// Linux architecture is using "Processor" for CPU ids.
num_cpus++; // count up every time we see an "processor :" entry
const char* id_str = strchr(line, ':');
if (id_str) {
const long cpu_id = strtol(id_str + 1, &err, 10);
if (id_str[1] != '\0' && *err == '\0' && max_cpu_id < cpu_id)
max_cpu_id = cpu_id;
} while (chars_read > 0);
if (!saw_mhz) {
if (saw_bogo) {
// If we didn't find anything better, we'll use bogomips, but
// we're not happy about it.
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second = bogo_clock;
} else {
// If we don't even have bogomips, we'll use the slow estimation.
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second =
if (num_cpus == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read num. CPUs correctly from /proc/cpuinfo\n");
} else {
if ((max_cpu_id + 1) != num_cpus) {
"CPU ID assignments in /proc/cpuinfo seem messed up."
" This is usually caused by a bad BIOS.\n");
cpuinfo_num_cpus = num_cpus;
// For this sysctl to work, the machine must be configured without
// SMP, APIC, or APM support. hz should be 64-bit in freebsd 7.0
// and later. Before that, it's a 32-bit quantity (and gives the
// wrong answer on machines faster than 2^32 Hz). See
// http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-i386/2004-November/001846.html
// But also compare FreeBSD 7.0:
// http://fxr.watson.org/fxr/source/i386/i386/tsc.c?v=RELENG70#L223
// 231 error = sysctl_handle_quad(oidp, &freq, 0, req);
// To FreeBSD 6.3 (it's the same in 6-STABLE):
// http://fxr.watson.org/fxr/source/i386/i386/tsc.c?v=RELENG6#L131
// 139 error = sysctl_handle_int(oidp, &freq, sizeof(freq), req);
#if __FreeBSD__ >= 7
uint64_t hz = 0;
unsigned int hz = 0;
size_t sz = sizeof(hz);
const char* sysctl_path = "machdep.tsc_freq";
if (sysctlbyname(sysctl_path, &hz, &sz, nullptr, 0) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to determine clock rate from sysctl: %s: %s\n",
sysctl_path, strerror(errno));
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second = static_cast<double>(EstimateCyclesPerSecond());
} else {
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second = hz;
// TODO: also figure out cpuinfo_num_cpus
// In NT, read MHz from the registry. If we fail to do so or we're in win9x
// then make a crude estimate.
DWORD data, data_size = sizeof(data);
if (IsWindowsXPOrGreater() &&
"~MHz", nullptr, &data, &data_size)))
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second =
static_cast<double>((int64_t)data * (int64_t)(1000 * 1000)); // was mhz
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second = static_cast<double>(EstimateCyclesPerSecond());
SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
// Use memset as opposed to = {} to avoid GCC missing initializer false
// positives.
std::memset(&sysinfo, 0, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO));
cpuinfo_num_cpus = sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; // number of logical
// processors in the current
// group
int32_t num_cpus = 0;
size_t size = sizeof(num_cpus);
if (::sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu", &num_cpus, &size, nullptr, 0) == 0 &&
(size == sizeof(num_cpus))) {
cpuinfo_num_cpus = num_cpus;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno));
int64_t cpu_freq = 0;
size = sizeof(cpu_freq);
if (::sysctlbyname("hw.cpufrequency", &cpu_freq, &size, nullptr, 0) == 0 &&
(size == sizeof(cpu_freq))) {
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second = cpu_freq;
} else {
#if defined BENCHMARK_OS_IOS
fprintf(stderr, "CPU frequency cannot be detected. \n");
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno));
// Generic cycles per second counter
cpuinfo_cycles_per_second = static_cast<double>(EstimateCyclesPerSecond());
} // end namespace
double CyclesPerSecond(void) {
std::call_once(cpuinfo_init, InitializeSystemInfo);
return cpuinfo_cycles_per_second;
int NumCPUs(void) {
std::call_once(cpuinfo_init, InitializeSystemInfo);
return cpuinfo_num_cpus;
// The ""'s catch people who don't pass in a literal for "str"
#define strliterallen(str) (sizeof("" str "") - 1)
// Must use a string literal for prefix.
#define memprefix(str, len, prefix) \
((((len) >= strliterallen(prefix)) && \
std::memcmp(str, prefix, strliterallen(prefix)) == 0) \
? str + strliterallen(prefix) \
: nullptr)
bool CpuScalingEnabled() {
// On Linux, the CPUfreq subsystem exposes CPU information as files on the
// local file system. If reading the exported files fails, then we may not be
// running on Linux, so we silently ignore all the read errors.
for (int cpu = 0, num_cpus = NumCPUs(); cpu < num_cpus; ++cpu) {
std::string governor_file =
StrCat("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu", cpu, "/cpufreq/scaling_governor");
FILE* file = fopen(governor_file.c_str(), "r");
if (!file) break;
char buff[16];
size_t bytes_read = fread(buff, 1, sizeof(buff), file);
if (memprefix(buff, bytes_read, "performance") == nullptr) return true;
return false;
} // end namespace benchmark
/* uname -- print system information
Copyright (C) 1989-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
/* Written by David MacKenzie <djm@gnu.ai.mit.edu> */
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <getopt.h>
# include <sys/systeminfo.h>
# include <sys/param.h> /* needed for OpenBSD 3.0 */
# endif
# include <sys/sysctl.h>
# ifdef HW_MODEL
/* E.g., FreeBSD 4.5, NetBSD 1.5.2 */
# else
/* E.g., OpenBSD 3.0 */
# endif
# endif
#ifdef __APPLE__
# include <mach/machine.h>
# include <mach-o/arch.h>
#include "system.h"
#include "die.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "quote.h"
#include "uname.h"
/* The official name of this program (e.g., no 'g' prefix). */
#define PROGRAM_NAME (uname_mode == UNAME_UNAME ? "uname" : "arch")
#define AUTHORS proper_name ("David MacKenzie")
#define ARCH_AUTHORS "David MacKenzie", "Karel Zak"
/* Values that are bitwise or'd into 'toprint'. */
/* Kernel name. */
/* Node name on a communications network. */
/* Kernel release. */
/* Kernel version. */
/* Machine hardware name. */
#define PRINT_MACHINE 16
/* Processor type. */
/* Hardware platform. */
/* Operating system. */
static struct option const uname_long_options[] =
{"all", no_argument, NULL, 'a'},
{"kernel-name", no_argument, NULL, 's'},
{"sysname", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, /* Obsolescent. */
{"nodename", no_argument, NULL, 'n'},
{"kernel-release", no_argument, NULL, 'r'},
{"release", no_argument, NULL, 'r'}, /* Obsolescent. */
{"kernel-version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
{"machine", no_argument, NULL, 'm'},
{"processor", no_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"hardware-platform", no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
{"operating-system", no_argument, NULL, 'o'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
static struct option const arch_long_options[] =
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
usage (int status)
if (status != EXIT_SUCCESS)
emit_try_help ();
printf (_("Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"), program_name);
if (uname_mode == UNAME_UNAME)
fputs (_("\
Print certain system information. With no OPTION, same as -s.\n\
-a, --all print all information, in the following order,\n\
except omit -p and -i if unknown:\n\
-s, --kernel-name print the kernel name\n\
-n, --nodename print the network node hostname\n\
-r, --kernel-release print the kernel release\n\
"), stdout);
fputs (_("\
-v, --kernel-version print the kernel version\n\
-m, --machine print the machine hardware name\n\
-p, --processor print the processor type (non-portable)\n\
-i, --hardware-platform print the hardware platform (non-portable)\n\
-o, --operating-system print the operating system\n\
"), stdout);
fputs (_("\
Print machine architecture.\n\
"), stdout);
emit_ancillary_info (PROGRAM_NAME);
exit (status);
/* Print ELEMENT, preceded by a space if something has already been
printed. */
static void
print_element (char const *element)
static bool printed;
if (printed)
putchar (' ');
printed = true;
fputs (element, stdout);
/* Set all the option flags according to the switches specified.
Return the mask indicating which elements to print. */
static int
decode_switches (int argc, char **argv)
int c;
unsigned int toprint = 0;
if (uname_mode == UNAME_ARCH)
while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "",
arch_long_options, NULL)) != -1)
switch (c)
toprint = PRINT_MACHINE;
while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "asnrvmpio",
uname_long_options, NULL)) != -1)
switch (c)
case 'a':
toprint = UINT_MAX;
case 's':
case 'n':
toprint |= PRINT_NODENAME;
case 'r':
case 'v':
case 'm':
toprint |= PRINT_MACHINE;
case 'p':
case 'i':
case 'o':
if (argc != optind)
error (0, 0, _("extra operand %s"), quote (argv[optind]));
return toprint;
main (int argc, char **argv)
static char const unknown[] = "unknown";
/* Mask indicating which elements to print. */
unsigned int toprint = 0;
initialize_main (&argc, &argv);
set_program_name (argv[0]);
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
textdomain (PACKAGE);
atexit (close_stdout);
toprint = decode_switches (argc, argv);
if (toprint == 0)
if (toprint
struct utsname name;
if (uname (&name) == -1)
die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("cannot get system name"));
if (toprint & PRINT_KERNEL_NAME)
print_element (name.sysname);
if (toprint & PRINT_NODENAME)
print_element (name.nodename);
print_element (name.release);
print_element (name.version);
if (toprint & PRINT_MACHINE)
print_element (name.machine);
if (toprint & PRINT_PROCESSOR)
char const *element = unknown;
static char processor[257];
if (0 <= sysinfo (SI_ARCHITECTURE, processor, sizeof processor))
element = processor;
if (element == unknown)
static char processor[257];
size_t s = sizeof processor;
static int mib[] = { CTL_HW, UNAME_PROCESSOR };
if (sysctl (mib, 2, processor, &s, 0, 0) >= 0)
element = processor;
# ifdef __APPLE__
/* This kludge works around a bug in Mac OS X. */
if (element == unknown)
cpu_type_t cputype;
size_t cs = sizeof cputype;
NXArchInfo const *ai;
if (sysctlbyname ("hw.cputype", &cputype, &cs, NULL, 0) == 0
&& (ai = NXGetArchInfoFromCpuType (cputype,
!= NULL)
element = ai->name;
/* Hack "safely" around the ppc vs. powerpc return value. */
if (cputype == CPU_TYPE_POWERPC
&& STRNCMP_LIT (element, "ppc") == 0)
element = "powerpc";
# endif
if (! (toprint == UINT_MAX && element == unknown))
print_element (element);
char const *element = unknown;
static char hardware_platform[257];
if (0 <= sysinfo (SI_PLATFORM,
hardware_platform, sizeof hardware_platform))
element = hardware_platform;
if (element == unknown)
static char hardware_platform[257];
size_t s = sizeof hardware_platform;
static int mib[] = { CTL_HW, UNAME_HARDWARE_PLATFORM };
if (sysctl (mib, 2, hardware_platform, &s, 0, 0) >= 0)
element = hardware_platform;
if (! (toprint == UINT_MAX && element == unknown))
print_element (element);
print_element (HOST_OPERATING_SYSTEM);
putchar ('\n');
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
double intervalInCycles( uint64_t startTime, uint64_t endTime )
uint64_t rawTime = endTime - startTime;
static double conversion = 0.0;
if( 0.0 == conversion )
mach_timebase_info_data_t info;
kern_return_t err = mach_timebase_info( &info );
if( 0 != err )
return 0;
uint64_t freq = 0;
size_t freqSize = sizeof( freq );
int err2 = sysctlbyname( "hw.cpufrequency", &freq, &freqSize, NULL, 0L );
if( 0 != err2 )
return 0;
conversion = (double) freq * (1e-9 * (double) info.numer / (double) info.denom);
return (double) rawTime * conversion;
#import “UIDevice-Hardware.h”
- UIDevice-Hardware.h
/* Erica Sadun, http://ericasadun.com iPhone Developer's Cookbook, 6.x Edition BSD License, Use at your own risk */ #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #define IFPGA_NAMESTRING @"iFPGA" #define IPHONE_1G_NAMESTRING @"iPhone 1G" #define IPHONE_3G_NAMESTRING @"iPhone 3G" #define IPHONE_3GS_NAMESTRING @"iPhone 3GS" #define IPHONE_4_NAMESTRING @"iPhone 4" #define IPHONE_4S_NAMESTRING @"iPhone 4S" #define IPHONE_5_NAMESTRING @"iPhone 5" #define IPHONE_UNKNOWN_NAMESTRING @"Unknown iPhone" #define IPOD_1G_NAMESTRING @"iPod touch 1G" #define IPOD_2G_NAMESTRING @"iPod touch 2G" #define IPOD_3G_NAMESTRING @"iPod touch 3G" #define IPOD_4G_NAMESTRING @"iPod touch 4G" #define IPOD_UNKNOWN_NAMESTRING @"Unknown iPod" #define IPAD_1G_NAMESTRING @"iPad 1G" #define IPAD_2G_NAMESTRING @"iPad 2G" #define IPAD_3G_NAMESTRING @"iPad 3G" #define IPAD_4G_NAMESTRING @"iPad 4G" #define IPAD_UNKNOWN_NAMESTRING @"Unknown iPad" #define APPLETV_2G_NAMESTRING @"Apple TV 2G" #define APPLETV_3G_NAMESTRING @"Apple TV 3G" #define APPLETV_4G_NAMESTRING @"Apple TV 4G" #define APPLETV_UNKNOWN_NAMESTRING @"Unknown Apple TV" #define IOS_FAMILY_UNKNOWN_DEVICE @"Unknown iOS device" #define SIMULATOR_NAMESTRING @"iPhone Simulator" #define SIMULATOR_IPHONE_NAMESTRING @"iPhone Simulator" #define SIMULATOR_IPAD_NAMESTRING @"iPad Simulator" #define SIMULATOR_APPLETV_NAMESTRING @"Apple TV Simulator" // :) typedef enum { UIDeviceUnknown, UIDeviceSimulator, UIDeviceSimulatoriPhone, UIDeviceSimulatoriPad, UIDeviceSimulatorAppleTV, UIDevice1GiPhone, UIDevice3GiPhone, UIDevice3GSiPhone, UIDevice4iPhone, UIDevice4SiPhone, UIDevice5iPhone, UIDevice1GiPod, UIDevice2GiPod, UIDevice3GiPod, UIDevice4GiPod, UIDevice1GiPad, UIDevice2GiPad, UIDevice3GiPad, UIDevice4GiPad, UIDeviceAppleTV2, UIDeviceAppleTV3, UIDeviceAppleTV4, UIDeviceUnknowniPhone, UIDeviceUnknowniPod, UIDeviceUnknowniPad, UIDeviceUnknownAppleTV, UIDeviceIFPGA, } UIDevicePlatform; typedef enum { UIDeviceFamilyiPhone, UIDeviceFamilyiPod, UIDeviceFamilyiPad, UIDeviceFamilyAppleTV, UIDeviceFamilyUnknown, } UIDeviceFamily; @interface UIDevice (Hardware) - (NSString *) platform; - (NSString *) hwmodel; - (NSUInteger) platformType; - (NSString *) platformString; - (NSUInteger) cpuFrequency; - (NSUInteger) busFrequency; - (NSUInteger) cpuCount; - (NSUInteger) totalMemory; - (NSUInteger) userMemory; - (NSNumber *) totalDiskSpace; - (NSNumber *) freeDiskSpace; - (NSString *) macaddress; - (BOOL) hasRetinaDisplay; - (UIDeviceFamily) deviceFamily; @end
Erica Sadun, http://ericasadun.com
iPhone Developer's Cookbook, 6.x Edition
BSD License, Use at your own risk
// Thanks to Emanuele Vulcano, Kevin Ballard/Eridius, Ryandjohnson, Matt Brown, etc.
#include <sys/socket.h> // Per msqr
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/if_dl.h>
#import "UIDevice-Hardware.h"
@implementation UIDevice (Hardware)
iFPGA -> ??
iPhone1,1 -> iPhone 1G, M68
iPhone1,2 -> iPhone 3G, N82
iPhone2,1 -> iPhone 3GS, N88
iPhone3,1 -> iPhone 4/AT&T, N89
iPhone3,2 -> iPhone 4/Other Carrier?, ??
iPhone3,3 -> iPhone 4/Verizon, TBD
iPhone4,1 -> (iPhone 4S/GSM), TBD
iPhone4,2 -> (iPhone 4S/CDMA), TBD
iPhone4,3 -> (iPhone 4S/???)
iPhone5,1 -> iPhone Next Gen, TBD
iPhone5,1 -> iPhone Next Gen, TBD
iPhone5,1 -> iPhone Next Gen, TBD
iPod1,1 -> iPod touch 1G, N45
iPod2,1 -> iPod touch 2G, N72
iPod2,2 -> Unknown, ??
iPod3,1 -> iPod touch 3G, N18
iPod4,1 -> iPod touch 4G, N80
// Thanks NSForge
iPad1,1 -> iPad 1G, WiFi and 3G, K48
iPad2,1 -> iPad 2G, WiFi, K93
iPad2,2 -> iPad 2G, GSM 3G, K94
iPad2,3 -> iPad 2G, CDMA 3G, K95
iPad3,1 -> (iPad 3G, WiFi)
iPad3,2 -> (iPad 3G, GSM)
iPad3,3 -> (iPad 3G, CDMA)
iPad4,1 -> (iPad 4G, WiFi)
iPad4,2 -> (iPad 4G, GSM)
iPad4,3 -> (iPad 4G, CDMA)
AppleTV2,1 -> AppleTV 2, K66
AppleTV3,1 -> AppleTV 3, ??
i386, x86_64 -> iPhone Simulator
#pragma mark sysctlbyname utils
- (NSString *) getSysInfoByName:(char *)typeSpecifier
size_t size;
sysctlbyname(typeSpecifier, NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
char *answer = malloc(size);
sysctlbyname(typeSpecifier, answer, &size, NULL, 0);
NSString *results = [NSString stringWithCString:answer encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return results;
- (NSString *) platform
return [self getSysInfoByName:"hw.machine"];
// Thanks, Tom Harrington (Atomicbird)
- (NSString *) hwmodel
return [self getSysInfoByName:"hw.model"];
#pragma mark sysctl utils
- (NSUInteger) getSysInfo: (uint) typeSpecifier
size_t size = sizeof(int);
int results;
int mib[2] = {CTL_HW, typeSpecifier};
sysctl(mib, 2, &results, &size, NULL, 0);
return (NSUInteger) results;
- (NSUInteger) cpuFrequency
return [self getSysInfo:HW_CPU_FREQ];
- (NSUInteger) busFrequency
return [self getSysInfo:HW_BUS_FREQ];
- (NSUInteger) cpuCount
return [self getSysInfo:HW_NCPU];
- (NSUInteger) totalMemory
return [self getSysInfo:HW_PHYSMEM];
- (NSUInteger) userMemory
return [self getSysInfo:HW_USERMEM];
- (NSUInteger) maxSocketBufferSize
return [self getSysInfo:KIPC_MAXSOCKBUF];
#pragma mark file system -- Thanks Joachim Bean!
extern NSString *NSFileSystemSize;
extern NSString *NSFileSystemFreeSize;
extern NSString *NSFileSystemNodes;
extern NSString *NSFileSystemFreeNodes;
extern NSString *NSFileSystemNumber;
- (NSNumber *) totalDiskSpace
NSDictionary *fattributes = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] attributesOfFileSystemForPath:NSHomeDirectory() error:nil];
return [fattributes objectForKey:NSFileSystemSize];
- (NSNumber *) freeDiskSpace
NSDictionary *fattributes = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] attributesOfFileSystemForPath:NSHomeDirectory() error:nil];
return [fattributes objectForKey:NSFileSystemFreeSize];
#pragma mark platform type and name utils
- (NSUInteger) platformType
NSString *platform = [self platform];
// The ever mysterious iFPGA
if ([platform isEqualToString:@"iFPGA"]) return UIDeviceIFPGA;
// iPhone
if ([platform isEqualToString:@"iPhone1,1"]) return UIDevice1GiPhone;
if ([platform isEqualToString:@"iPhone1,2"]) return UIDevice3GiPhone;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone2"]) return UIDevice3GSiPhone;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone3"]) return UIDevice4iPhone;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone4"]) return UIDevice4SiPhone;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone5"]) return UIDevice5iPhone;
// iPod
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPod1"]) return UIDevice1GiPod;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPod2"]) return UIDevice2GiPod;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPod3"]) return UIDevice3GiPod;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPod4"]) return UIDevice4GiPod;
// iPad
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPad1"]) return UIDevice1GiPad;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPad2"]) return UIDevice2GiPad;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPad3"]) return UIDevice3GiPad;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPad4"]) return UIDevice4GiPad;
// Apple TV
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"AppleTV2"]) return UIDeviceAppleTV2;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"AppleTV3"]) return UIDeviceAppleTV3;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone"]) return UIDeviceUnknowniPhone;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPod"]) return UIDeviceUnknowniPod;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPad"]) return UIDeviceUnknowniPad;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"AppleTV"]) return UIDeviceUnknownAppleTV;
// Simulator thanks Jordan Breeding
if ([platform hasSuffix:@"86"] || [platform isEqual:@"x86_64"])
BOOL smallerScreen = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.width < 768;
return smallerScreen ? UIDeviceSimulatoriPhone : UIDeviceSimulatoriPad;
return UIDeviceUnknown;
- (NSString *) platformString
switch ([self platformType])
case UIDevice1GiPhone: return IPHONE_1G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice3GiPhone: return IPHONE_3G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice3GSiPhone: return IPHONE_3GS_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice4iPhone: return IPHONE_4_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice4SiPhone: return IPHONE_4S_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice5iPhone: return IPHONE_5_NAMESTRING;
case UIDeviceUnknowniPhone: return IPHONE_UNKNOWN_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice1GiPod: return IPOD_1G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice2GiPod: return IPOD_2G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice3GiPod: return IPOD_3G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice4GiPod: return IPOD_4G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDeviceUnknowniPod: return IPOD_UNKNOWN_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice1GiPad : return IPAD_1G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice2GiPad : return IPAD_2G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice3GiPad : return IPAD_3G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDevice4GiPad : return IPAD_4G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDeviceUnknowniPad : return IPAD_UNKNOWN_NAMESTRING;
case UIDeviceAppleTV2 : return APPLETV_2G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDeviceAppleTV3 : return APPLETV_3G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDeviceAppleTV4 : return APPLETV_4G_NAMESTRING;
case UIDeviceUnknownAppleTV: return APPLETV_UNKNOWN_NAMESTRING;
case UIDeviceSimulator: return SIMULATOR_NAMESTRING;
case UIDeviceSimulatoriPhone: return SIMULATOR_IPHONE_NAMESTRING;
case UIDeviceSimulatoriPad: return SIMULATOR_IPAD_NAMESTRING;
case UIDeviceSimulatorAppleTV: return SIMULATOR_APPLETV_NAMESTRING;
- (BOOL) hasRetinaDisplay
return ([UIScreen mainScreen].scale == 2.0f);
- (UIDeviceFamily) deviceFamily
NSString *platform = [self platform];
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone"]) return UIDeviceFamilyiPhone;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPod"]) return UIDeviceFamilyiPod;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"iPad"]) return UIDeviceFamilyiPad;
if ([platform hasPrefix:@"AppleTV"]) return UIDeviceFamilyAppleTV;
return UIDeviceFamilyUnknown;
#pragma mark MAC addy
// Return the local MAC addy
// Courtesy of FreeBSD hackers email list
// Accidentally munged during previous update. Fixed thanks to mlamb.
- (NSString *) macaddress
int mib[6];
size_t len;
char *buf;
unsigned char *ptr;
struct if_msghdr *ifm;
struct sockaddr_dl *sdl;
mib[0] = CTL_NET;
mib[1] = AF_ROUTE;
mib[2] = 0;
mib[3] = AF_LINK;
mib[4] = NET_RT_IFLIST;
if ((mib[5] = if_nametoindex("en0")) == 0) {
printf("Error: if_nametoindex error\n");
return NULL;
if (sysctl(mib, 6, NULL, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
printf("Error: sysctl, take 1\n");
return NULL;
if ((buf = malloc(len)) == NULL) {
printf("Error: Memory allocation error\n");
return NULL;
if (sysctl(mib, 6, buf, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
printf("Error: sysctl, take 2\n");
free(buf); // Thanks, Remy "Psy" Demerest
return NULL;
ifm = (struct if_msghdr *)buf;
sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)(ifm + 1);
ptr = (unsigned char *)LLADDR(sdl);
NSString *outstring = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", *ptr, *(ptr+1), *(ptr+2), *(ptr+3), *(ptr+4), *(ptr+5)];
return outstring;
// Illicit Bluetooth check -- cannot be used in App Store
Class btclass = NSClassFromString(@"GKBluetoothSupport");
if ([btclass respondsToSelector:@selector(bluetoothStatus)])
printf("BTStatus %d\n", ((int)[btclass performSelector:@selector(bluetoothStatus)] & 1) != 0);
bluetooth = ((int)[btclass performSelector:@selector(bluetoothStatus)] & 1) != 0;
printf("Bluetooth %s enabled\n", bluetooth ? "is" : "isn't");
aso 与设备信息相关的修改
Skip to content Search or jump to… Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore @zhangkn Sign out 1 1 0 zhangkn/knaso Code Issues 0 Pull requests 0 Projects 0 Wiki Insights Settings knaso/ASO/ChangeCode/ChangeCode.m 4bf7055 on Jun 9 System Administrator 更改项目结构,使其可用化 1715 lines (1489 sloc) 57.9 KB // // Created by admin on 2017/12/7. // #import "ChangeCode.h" #import "../GeneralUtil.h" #import <substrate.h> #import <IOKit/IOKit.h> #import <SystemConfiguration/CaptiveNetwork.h> #import <SystemConfiguration/SCNetworkReachability.h> #import "CoreTelephony.h" #import <sys/utsname.h> #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <sys/sysctl.h> #import <AdSupport/AdSupport.h> #import <Security/Security.h> #import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/if_dl.h> #import "../ProcessMsgsnd.h" #import "capstone.h" #import "UIDevice+Extensions.h" #import "../Constant.h" char* FakeTime = NULL; @implementation ChangeCode { } NSString *NG_Product = nil; // 所处国家 NSString *NG_isoCountryCode = nil; NSString *NG_SSID = nil; NSString *NG_BSSID = nil; //序列号 NSString *NG_searnalNumber = nil; //MAC地址 NSString *NG_macAdress =nil; //IDFA NSString *NG_IDFA =nil; //IDFV NSString *NG_IDFV =nil; //IMEI NSString *NG_IMEI =nil; //UDID NSString *NG_UDID =nil; //设备名 NSString *NG_deviceName =nil; //运营商 NSString *NG_carrierOperator =nil; //系统版本 NSString *NG_systemVersion =nil; //手机种类 NSString *NG_phoneType =nil; //手机国家码 NSString *NG_mobileCountryCode = nil; // 默认 460 //手机网络码 NSString *NG_mobileNetworkCode =nil; //默认 11 //SSIDDATA NSString *NG_SSIDDATA =nil; //蓝牙码 NSString *NG_BLUETOOTH =nil; // 设备型号 NSString *NG_UNITTYPE =nil; // 设备地域 NSString *NG_DEVICE_LOCATION =nil; // 设备名 NSString *NG_DEVICE_NAME =nil; // 设备单独地域 NSString *NG_DEVICE_SINGLENAME =nil; // 设备硬件型号 HardwarePlatform NSString *NG_DEVICE_HardwarePlatform =nil; // 设备硬件模型 NSString *NG_DEVICE_HardwareModel =nil; // 设备生产版本 ProductType NSString *NG_DEVICE_ProductType =nil; // ecid 处理器型号 NSString *NG_DEVICE_ecidData =nil; // 进行获取当前的设备内容 NSString *NG_systemVersionWithNumber = nil; NSString *NG_systemVersionWithNumber_two =nil; NSString *NG_systemVersionWithEnglist = nil; // ng_vc + (ChangeCode *)instance { static ChangeCode *_instance = nil; @synchronized (self) { if (_instance == nil) { _instance = [[self alloc] init]; } } return _instance; } /** * * 进行改码一一对应的写入 * */ - (void)ng_changeCodeWithParam:(NSString *)NG_SSID withBSSID:(NSString *)NG_BSSID withIMEI:(NSString *)NG_IMEI withIDFV:(NSString *)NG_IDFV withIDFA:(NSString *)NG_IDFA withSSIDDTA:(NSString *)NG_SSIDDATA withMACadress:(NSString *)NG_MAC withSearnalNumber:(NSString *)NG_SEARNALNUMBER withPhotoType:(NSString *)NG_PHOTO_TYPE withSystemVersion:(NSString *)NG_systemVersion withMobileCountryCode:(NSString *)NG_countryCode withProduct:(NSString *)NG_Product withCarrierOperator:(NSString *)NG_carrierOperator withBlueTooch:(NSString *)NG_BLUETOOCH withDeviceModel:(NSString *)NG_DEVICEMODEL withUUID:(NSString *)NG_UUID { //将对应的数据传递到domain中 进行保存操作 NSDictionary * dic1 = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]persistentDomainForName:NSGlobalDomain]; NSMutableDictionary * temDic = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dic1]; // 进行遍历给对应的字典 if(NG_MAC){ [temDic setObject:NG_MAC forKey:@"NG_MAC_DATA"]; }else{ [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_MAC_DATA"]; } if(NG_BLUETOOCH){ [temDic setObject:NG_BLUETOOCH forKey:@"NG_BLUETOOCH_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_BLUETOOCH_DATA"]; } if(NG_SSID){ [temDic setObject:NG_SSID forKey:@"NG_SSID_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_SSID_DATA"]; } if(NG_BSSID){ [temDic setObject:NG_BSSID forKey:@"NG_BSSID_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_BSSID_DATA"]; } if(NG_IDFV){ [temDic setObject:NG_IDFV forKey:@"NG_IDFV_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_IDFV_DATA"]; } if(NG_IMEI){ [temDic setObject:NG_IMEI forKey:@"NG_IMEI_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_IMEI_DATA"]; } if(NG_IDFA){ [temDic setObject:NG_IDFA forKey:@"NG_IDFA_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_IDFA_DATA"]; }if(NG_SSIDDATA){ [temDic setObject:NG_SSIDDATA forKey:@"NG_SSIDDATA_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_SSIDDATA_DATA"]; }if(NG_SEARNALNUMBER){ [temDic setObject:NG_SEARNALNUMBER forKey:@"NG_SEARNALNUMBER_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_SEARNALNUMBER_DATA"]; }if(NG_PHOTO_TYPE){ [temDic setObject:NG_PHOTO_TYPE forKey:@"NG_PHOTO_TYPE_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_PHOTO_TYPE_DATA"]; }if(NG_systemVersion){ [temDic setObject:NG_systemVersion forKey:@"NG_systemVersion_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_systemVersion_DATA"]; }if(NG_countryCode){ [temDic setObject:NG_countryCode forKey:@"NG_countryCode_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_countryCode_DATA"]; }if(NG_Product){ [temDic setObject:NG_countryCode forKey:@"NG_Product_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_Product_DATA"]; }if(NG_carrierOperator){ [temDic setObject:NG_carrierOperator forKey:@"NG_carrierOperator_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_carrierOperator_DATA"]; }if(NG_DEVICEMODEL){ [temDic setObject:NG_DEVICEMODEL forKey:@"NG_DEVICETYPE_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_DEVICETYPE_DATA"]; }if(NG_UUID){ [temDic setObject:NG_UUID forKey:@"NG_UUID_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_UUID_DATA"]; } [ProcessMsgsnd sendMessage:temDic]; } -(void)ng_changeCodeWithParam:(NSString *)NG_BLUADRESS with_NG_BuildVersion:(NSString *)NG_BIILD_VERSION with_NG_ecid:(NSString *)NG_ECID with_NG_hardwareModel:(NSString *)NG_HARDWARE_MODEL with_NG_hardwarePlatform:(NSString *)NG_HAEDWARE_PLATFORM with_NG_idfa:(NSString *)NG_IDFA with_NG_imei:(NSString *)NG_IMEI with_NG_productType:(NSString *)NG_PEODUCt_TYPE with_NG_productVersion:(NSString *)NG_PEODUCt_VERSION with_NG_serialNumber:(NSString *)NG_SERIALNUMBER with_NG_UUID:(NSString *)NG_UUID with_NG_wifiAddress:(NSString *)NG_WIFIADRESS{ //将对应的数据传递到domain中 进行保存操作 NSDictionary * dic1 = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]persistentDomainForName:NSGlobalDomain]; NSMutableDictionary * temDic = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dic1]; // 进行遍历给对应的字典 if(NG_WIFIADRESS){ [temDic setObject:NG_WIFIADRESS forKey:@"NG_MAC_DATA"]; }else{ [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_MAC_DATA"]; } if(NG_BLUADRESS){ [temDic setObject:NG_BLUADRESS forKey:@"NG_BLUETOOCH_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_BLUETOOCH_DATA"]; } if(NG_IMEI){ [temDic setObject:NG_IMEI forKey:@"NG_IMEI_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_IMEI_DATA"]; } if(NG_IDFA){ [temDic setObject:NG_IDFA forKey:@"NG_IDFA_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_IDFA_DATA"]; } if(NG_SERIALNUMBER){ [temDic setObject:NG_SERIALNUMBER forKey:@"NG_SEARNALNUMBER_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_SEARNALNUMBER_DATA"]; } if(NG_PEODUCt_VERSION){ [temDic setObject:NG_PEODUCt_VERSION forKey:@"NG_systemVersion_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_systemVersion_DATA"]; } if(NG_BIILD_VERSION){ [temDic setObject:NG_BIILD_VERSION forKey:@"NG_BUILD_VERSION"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_BUILD_VERSION"]; } if(NG_PEODUCt_TYPE){ [temDic setObject:NG_PEODUCt_TYPE forKey:@"NG_PRODUCT_TYPE_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_PRODUCT_TYPE_DATA"]; } if(NG_HAEDWARE_PLATFORM){ [temDic setObject:NG_HAEDWARE_PLATFORM forKey:@"NG_HARDWARE_PATFORM_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_HARDWARE_PATFORM_DATA"]; } if(NG_HARDWARE_MODEL){ [temDic setObject:NG_HARDWARE_MODEL forKey:@"NG_HARDWARE_MODEL_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_HARDWARE_MODEL_DATA"]; } if(NG_ECID){ [temDic setObject:NG_ECID forKey:@"NG_ECID_DATA"]; }else { [temDic setObject:@"" forKey:@"NG_ECID_DATA"]; } [ProcessMsgsnd sendMessage:temDic]; } /** * 将domain中存储的参数,设置为当前需要改码的内容中 * * */ - (void)ng_getDomainUserSettingsParams { id dic = [ProcessMsgsnd getMessage]; if(!dic){ return; } NSString *SSID = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_SSID_DATA"]; NSString *BSSID = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_BSSID_DATA"]; NSString *IMEI = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_IMEI_DATA"]; NSString *IDFV = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_IDFV_DATA"]; NSString *IDFA = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_IDFA_DATA"]; NSString *SSIDDATA = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_SSIDDATA_DATA"]; NSString *MAC = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_MAC_DATA"]; NSString *SEARNALNUMBER = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_SEARNALNUMBER_DATA"]; NSString *PHOTO_TYPE = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_PHOTO_TYPE_DATA"]; NSString *systemVersion = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_systemVersion_DATA"]; NSString *countryCode = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_countryCode_DATA"]; NSString *Product = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_Product_DATA"]; NSString *carrierOperator = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_carrierOperator_DATA"]; NSString *BLUETOOCH = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_BLUETOOCH_DATA"]; NSString *DeviceType = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_DEVICETYPE_DATA"]; NSString *UUID = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_UUID_DATA"]; NSString *buildVersion = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_BUILD_VERSION"]; NSString *productType = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_PRODUCT_TYPE_DATA"]; NSString *hardwarePatform = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_HARDWARE_PATFORM_DATA"]; NSString *hardwareModel = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_HARDWARE_MODEL_DATA"]; NSString *ecidData = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"NG_ECID_DATA"]; if(![GeneralUtil isBlankString:buildVersion]){ NG_systemVersionWithEnglist = buildVersion; } if(![GeneralUtil isBlankString:productType]){ NG_DEVICE_ProductType = productType; } if(![GeneralUtil isBlankString:hardwarePatform]){ NG_DEVICE_HardwarePlatform = hardwarePatform; } if(![GeneralUtil isBlankString:hardwareModel]){ NG_DEVICE_HardwareModel = hardwareModel; } if(![GeneralUtil isBlankString:ecidData]){ NG_DEVICE_ecidData = ecidData; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:UUID]){ NG_UDID = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_UUID"]; }else{ NG_UDID = UUID; } //[GeneralUtil isBlankString:DeviceType] if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:DeviceType]){ NG_UNITTYPE = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_numberModel"]; }else{ NG_UNITTYPE = nil; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:BLUETOOCH]){ NG_BLUETOOTH = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_BluetoothAddress"]; }else{ NG_BLUETOOTH = BLUETOOCH; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:SSID]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_SSID = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_SSID"]; }else{ NG_SSID = SSID; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:BSSID]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_BSSID = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_BSSID"]; }else{ NG_BSSID = BSSID; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:IMEI]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_IMEI = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_Imei"]; }else{ NG_IMEI = IMEI; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:IDFV]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_IDFV = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_identifierForVendor"]; }else{ NG_IDFV = IDFV; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:SSIDDATA]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_SSIDDATA = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_SSIDDATA"]; }else{ NG_SSIDDATA = SSIDDATA; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:IDFA]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_IDFA = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_advertisingIdentifier"]; }else{ NG_IDFA = IDFA; }if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:MAC]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_macAdress = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_macaddress"]; }else{ NG_macAdress = MAC; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:SEARNALNUMBER]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_searnalNumber = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_ServeralNumber"]; }else{ NG_searnalNumber = SEARNALNUMBER; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:PHOTO_TYPE]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_phoneType = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_advertisingIdentifier"]; }else{ NG_phoneType = PHOTO_TYPE; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:systemVersion]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_systemVersion = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_systemVersion"]; }else{ NG_systemVersion = systemVersion; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:countryCode]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_isoCountryCode = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_isoCountryCode"]; }else{ NG_isoCountryCode = countryCode; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:Product]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_Product = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_model"]; }else{ NG_Product = Product; } if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:carrierOperator]){ // 如果未null的话 则将原机型替换 NG_carrierOperator = [dic objectForKeyedSubscript:@"ng_carrierName"]; }else{ NG_carrierOperator = carrierOperator; } } /** * * 保存设备原始码 * */ - (void)ng_saveOrignDeviceInfo { // 保存前置空 避免内存中存在上次改码后的设备信息 NG_Product = nil; NG_isoCountryCode = nil; NG_SSID = nil; NG_BSSID = nil; NG_searnalNumber = nil; NG_macAdress =nil; NG_IDFA =nil; NG_IDFV =nil; NG_IMEI =nil; NG_UDID =nil; NG_deviceName =nil; NG_carrierOperator =nil; NG_systemVersion =nil; NG_phoneType =nil; NG_mobileCountryCode = nil; // 默认 460 NG_mobileNetworkCode =nil; //默认 11 NG_SSIDDATA =nil; NG_BLUETOOTH =nil; NG_UNITTYPE =nil; NG_systemVersionWithNumber = nil; NG_systemVersionWithNumber_two =nil; NG_systemVersionWithEnglist = nil; // ng_vc // 进行保存初始化的数据 UIDevice* device = [UIDevice currentDevice]; NSString * model = [device model]; NSString * localizedModel = [device localizedModel]; NSString * systemVersion = [device systemVersion]; NSString * name = [device name]; NSString * identifierForVendor = [[device identifierForVendor] UUIDString]; NSString * advertisingIdentifier = [[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier] UUIDString]; CTTelephonyNetworkInfo * ctTelephonyNetworkInfo = [[[CTTelephonyNetworkInfo alloc] init] autorelease]; CTCarrier* ctCarrier = [ctTelephonyNetworkInfo subscriberCellularProvider]; NSString * carrierName = [ctCarrier carrierName]; NSString * mobileCountryCode = [ctCarrier mobileCountryCode]?[ctCarrier mobileCountryCode]:@""; NSString * mobileNetworkCode = [ctCarrier mobileNetworkCode]?[ctCarrier mobileNetworkCode]:@""; NSString * isoCountryCode = [ctCarrier isoCountryCode]?[ctCarrier isoCountryCode]:@""; NSString * currentRadioAccessTechnology = [ctTelephonyNetworkInfo currentRadioAccessTechnology]?[ctTelephonyNetworkInfo currentRadioAccessTechnology]:@""; NSString * macaddress = [self macaddress]; NSString * ServeralNumber = [GeneralUtil getServeral]; NSString * UUID = [GeneralUtil getUUID]; NSString *BSSID = nil; NSString *SSID = nil; NSString *SSIDDATA = nil; // 获取BlueTooch 地址 void *gestalt = dlopen("/usr/lib/libMobileGestalt.dylib", RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_LAZY); CFStringRef (*MGCopyAnswer)(CFStringRef) = (CFStringRef (*)(CFStringRef))(dlsym(gestalt, "MGCopyAnswer")); id blAddress = CFBridgingRelease( MGCopyAnswer(CFSTR("BluetoothAddress"))); id MN = CFBridgingRelease( MGCopyAnswer(CFSTR("ModelNumber"))); id RIF = CFBridgingRelease( MGCopyAnswer(CFSTR("RegionInfo"))); id iMEI = CFBridgingRelease( MGCopyAnswer(CFSTR("InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity"))); NSString *BluetoothAddress = blAddress?blAddress:@""; NSString *ModelNumber = MN?MN:@""; NSString *RegionInfo = RIF?RIF:@""; // IMEI NSString *IMEI = iMEI?iMEI:@""; // 进行获取当前的设备内容 NSString *numberModel = [ModelNumber stringByAppendingString:RegionInfo]; NSArray *ifs = (__bridge id)CNCopySupportedInterfaces(); for (NSString *ifname in ifs) { NSDictionary *info = (__bridge id)CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo((__bridge CFStringRef)ifname); if (info[@"BSSID"]) { BSSID = info[@"BSSID"]; } if (info[@"SSID"]) { SSID = info[@"SSID"]; } if (info[@"SSIDDATA"]) { // SSIDDATA = info[@"SSIDDATA"]; // 需要转化为NSData SSIDDATA = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:info[@"SSIDDATA"] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease]; } } // NSLog(@"-------model = %@\n" // "-------localizedModel = %@\n" // "-------systemVersion = %@\n" // "-------name = %@\n" // "-------identifierForVendor = %@\n" // "-------advertisingIdentifier = %@\n" // "-------carrierName = %@\n" // "-------mobileCountryCode = %@\n" // "-------mobileNetworkCode = %@\n" // "-------isoCountryCode = %@\n" // "-------currentRadioAccessTechnology = %@\n" // "-------BSSID = %@\n" // "-------SSID = %@\n" // "-------SSIDDATA = %@\n" // "-------ServeralNumber = %@\n" // "-------UUID = %@\n" // "-------macaddress = %@\n" // // , // model,localizedModel,systemVersion,name,identifierForVendor // ,advertisingIdentifier,carrierName,mobileCountryCode // ,mobileNetworkCode,isoCountryCode,currentRadioAccessTechnology,BSSID,SSID,SSIDDATA,ServeralNumber,UUID,macaddress); // 进行保存 NSString *jsonString = nil; NSString *docPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject]; NSString *fileDicPath = [docPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_SAVE_FileName]]; NSDictionary *dic = @{ @"ng_model":model, @"ng_localizedModel":localizedModel, @"ng_systemVersion":systemVersion, @"ng_name":name, @"ng_identifierForVendor":identifierForVendor, @"ng_advertisingIdentifier":advertisingIdentifier, @"ng_carrierName":carrierName, @"ng_mobileCountryCode":mobileCountryCode, @"ng_mobileNetworkCode":mobileNetworkCode, @"ng_isoCountryCode":isoCountryCode, @"ng_currentRadioAccessTechnology":currentRadioAccessTechnology, @"ng_macaddress":macaddress, @"ng_ServeralNumber":ServeralNumber, @"ng_UUID":UUID, @"ng_SSID":SSID, @"ng_SSIDDATA":SSIDDATA, @"ng_BSSID":BSSID, @"ng_BluetoothAddress":BluetoothAddress, @"ng_Imei":IMEI, @"ng_numberModel":numberModel, }; NSError *error; NSData * jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:dic options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:&error]; if(!jsonData){ NSLog(@"----------ERROR------"); } else{ jsonString = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:jsonData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease]; } //将其转化为加密后的字符串 NSString *aesString = [GeneralUtil AES128Encryption:[GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_SAVE_KEY] withContent:jsonString]; // 进行请求 增加设备接口 NSError *errorFile; // 将加密字符写入时执行的方法 [aesString writeToFile:fileDicPath atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&errorFile]; } /** * * 从domain中获取原始码 * */ - (BOOL)ng_getOrignDeviceInfoFromSavedToDomain { NSString *docPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject]; NSString *fileDicPath = [docPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_SAVE_FileName]]; // 进行读取文件路径 NSError *errorFile; NSString * fileContent = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:fileDicPath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&errorFile]; if(!fileContent){ return FALSE; } NSString * jsonString = [GeneralUtil AES128Deciphering:[GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_SAVE_KEY] withContent:fileContent]; if(!jsonString){ return FALSE; } NSError *error = nil; NSDictionary *dic = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&error]; if(!dic){ return FALSE; } //将对应的数据传递到domain中 进行保存操作 NSDictionary * dic1 = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]persistentDomainForName:NSGlobalDomain]; // NSDictionary * temDic = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dic1]; NSMutableDictionary * temDic = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dic1]; // 进行遍历给对应的字典 [dic enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) { [temDic setObject:obj?obj:@"" forKey:key]; }]; [ProcessMsgsnd sendMessage:temDic]; return TRUE; } - (NSDictionary *)ng_getOrignDataSets { NSError *errorFile; NSString * fileContent = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_SAVE_File] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&errorFile]; if(!fileContent){ return nil; } NSString * jsonString = [GeneralUtil AES128Deciphering:[GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_SAVE_KEY] withContent:fileContent]; if(!jsonString){ return nil; } NSError *error = nil; NSDictionary *dic = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&error]; if(!dic){ return nil; } return dic; } - (NSString *) macaddress { int mib[6]; size_t len; char *buf; unsigned char *ptr; struct if_msghdr *ifm; struct sockaddr_dl *sdl; mib[0] = CTL_NET; mib[1] = AF_ROUTE; mib[2] = 0; mib[3] = AF_LINK; mib[4] = NET_RT_IFLIST; if ((mib[5] = if_nametoindex("en0")) == 0) { printf("Error: if_nametoindex error/n"); return NULL; } if (sysctl(mib, 6, NULL, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { printf("Error: sysctl, take 1/n"); return NULL; } if ((buf = malloc(len)) == NULL) { printf("Could not allocate memory. error!/n"); return NULL; } if (sysctl(mib, 6, buf, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { printf("Error: sysctl, take 2"); return NULL; } ifm = (struct if_msghdr *)buf; sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)(ifm + 1); ptr = (unsigned char *)LLADDR(sdl); NSString *outstring = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", *ptr, *(ptr+1), *(ptr+2), *(ptr+3), *(ptr+4), *(ptr+5)]; free(buf); return [outstring uppercaseString]; } //进行截取当前的设备名 ME335 -(NSString *)InterceptDeviceWithName:(NSString *)name{ if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:name]){ return nil; } return [name substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 5) ];; } // 进行截取出当前的设备地域 eg: J/A -(NSString *)InterceptDeviceWithLocation:(NSString *)name{ if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:name]){ return nil; } return [name substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(5, [name length] - 5)]; } // 进行获取当前的额设备 地区 eg: J -(NSString *)InterceptDeviceWithSingleLocation:(NSString *)name{ if([GeneralUtil isBlankString:name]){ return nil; } return [name substringWithRange:NSMakeRange([name length] -3 ,1)]; } //// ***********************************************以下为改码内容***************************************************************** //char* FakeTime = NULL; CFTypeRef *(*old_IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties)( io_registry_entry_t entry, CFStringRef key, CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOOptionBits options ); CFTypeRef *new_IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties( io_registry_entry_t entry, CFStringRef key, CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOOptionBits options ){ NSString *type = (__bridge NSString *)key; if(NG_searnalNumber && [type isEqualToString:@"IOPlatformSerialNumber"]){ return (__bridge CFTypeRef *)NG_searnalNumber; } if(NG_IMEI && [type isEqualToString:@"device-imei"]){ return (__bridge CFTypeRef *)NG_IMEI; } return old_IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(entry,key,allocator,options); } CFTypeRef *(*old_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty)( io_registry_entry_t entry, const io_name_t plane, CFStringRef key, CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOOptionBits options ); CFTypeRef *new_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty( io_registry_entry_t entry, const io_name_t plane, CFStringRef key, CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOOptionBits options ){ NSString *type = (__bridge NSString *)key; // id ss = (__bridge id) old_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(entry,plane,key,allocator,options); // NSLog(@"------------------------ <<<<new_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty>>>>--\n----------------<<< %@ >>>-------------\n---------------------<<<< %@ >>>>----------", type,ss); // NSLog(@"-----new_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty--------<<<< MAC >>>--------------- = %@", [[NSString alloc] initWithData:ss encoding:CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding(kCFStringEncodingGB_18030_2000)]); if(NG_searnalNumber &&[type isEqualToString:@"serial-number"]){ return (__bridge CFTypeRef *)[NG_searnalNumber dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; } if(NG_IMEI &&[type isEqualToString:@"device-imei"]){ return (__bridge CFTypeRef *)[NG_IMEI dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; } // product-id nsdata类型 // software-behavior return old_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(entry,plane,key,allocator,options); } CFDictionaryRef __nullable *(*old_CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo) (CFStringRef interfaceName) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_4_1); NSString *dd =nil; CFDictionaryRef __nullable *new_CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo (CFStringRef interfaceName) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_4_1){ // 修改SSID if(NG_SSID && NG_BSSID && NG_SSIDDATA){ return (__bridge CFDictionaryRef *) [[@{@"SSID": NG_SSID, @"BSSID": NG_BSSID, @"SSIDDATA": [NG_SSIDDATA dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]} copy] autorelease]; } return old_CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(interfaceName); } CFArrayRef __nullable *(*old_CNCopySupportedInterfaces) (void) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_8,__IPHONE_4_1); CFArrayRef __nullable *new_CNCopySupportedInterfaces (void) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_8,__IPHONE_4_1){ return old_CNCopySupportedInterfaces(); } void *(*old_CTServerConnectionCopyMobileIdentity)(struct CTResult *, struct CTServerConnection *, NSString **); void *new_CTServerConnectionCopyMobileIdentity(struct CTResult *result, struct CTServerConnection *connection, NSString **imi){ old_CTServerConnectionCopyMobileIdentity(result,connection,imi); if(NG_IMEI){ *imi = NG_IMEI; return NG_IMEI; } return old_CTServerConnectionCopyMobileIdentity(result,connection,imi); } int *(*old_sysctlnametomib)(const char *, int *, size_t *); int *new_sysctlnametomib(const char *a, int *b, size_t *c){ return old_sysctlnametomib(a,b,c); } int *(*old_uname)(struct utsname *); int *new_uname(struct utsname *name){ // 进行更改相关内容 int* a = old_uname(name); if(NG_deviceName){ strcpy(name->nodename, [NG_deviceName UTF8String]); } if(NG_phoneType){ strcpy(name->machine, [NG_phoneType UTF8String]); } if(NG_systemVersionWithNumber_two){ NSString * version = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Darwin Kernel Version %@: Fri Feb 19 13:54:53 PST 2016; root:xnu-3248.41.4~28/RELEASE_ARM64_S5L8960X",NG_systemVersionWithNumber_two]; strcpy(name->version, [version UTF8String]); strcpy(name->release, [NG_systemVersionWithNumber_two UTF8String]); } return a; } // //int *(*old_sysctl)(int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, void *, size_t); //int *new_sysctl(int *a, u_int b, void * c, size_t * d, void * e, size_t f){ // //[[NSString alloc] initWithCString:(const char*)char_arrayencoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding] //// NSLog(@"----------------------------new_sysctl------------------------------------%@---",[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s", (char*)c]); // const char * systemVersion; // NSString *device = nil; // if(!NG_IMEI ){ // return old_sysctl(a,b,c,d,e,f); // } // // if(b != 2){ // return old_sysctl(a,b,c,d,e,f); // } // if(*a == 1){ // if(a[1] == 65){ // device = NG_IMEI; // // }else{ // if(a[1] == 2){ // device = NG_IMEI; // // } // else{ // if(a[1] != 10){ // return old_sysctl(a,2,c,d,e,f); // } // device = NG_IMEI; // } // // } // systemVersion = [device UTF8String]; // if(!c){ // *d = strlen(systemVersion) +1; // return 0; // } // if(*d){ // strncpy(c, systemVersion, *d); // } // return old_sysctl(a,2,c,d,e,f); // // } // if(*a != 6){ // return old_sysctl(a,2,c,d,e,f); // // } // if(a[1] == 2){ // systemVersion = [NG_IMEI UTF8String]; // } // if(a[1] != 1){ // return old_sysctl(a,2,c,d,e,f); // } // // systemVersion = [NG_IMEI UTF8String]; // if(!c){ // *d = strlen(systemVersion) + 1; // return 0; // } // if(*d){ // strncpy(c, systemVersion, *d); // return 0; // } // return old_sysctl(a,b,c,d,e,f); //} // //int *(*old_sysctlbyname)(const char *, void *, size_t *, void *, size_t); //int *new_sysctlbyname(const char * a, void *b, size_t *c, void *d, size_t e){ //// NSLog(@"------------------------------《new_sysctlbyname》-----------------------%@-- ",[[[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:a] autorelease]); //// NSLog(@"----------------------------《new_sysctlbyname》------------------------------------%ld---",(long )*c); // if(!NG_deviceName || !NG_systemVersionWithNumber||!NG_systemVersionWithNumber_two){ // return old_sysctlbyname(a,b,c,d,e); // } // // const char * deviceType ; // // if(!a){ // return old_sysctlbyname(a,b,c,d,e); // } // if(!strcmp(a, "hw.machine")){ // deviceType = [NG_deviceName UTF8String]; // if(!b){ // return 0; // } // // if(!*c){ // // old_sysctlbyname(a,b,c,d,e); // return 0; // } // // deviceIdentifier // strncpy(b,deviceType , *c); // return 0; // // } // if(!strcmp(a, "hw.model")){ // // deviceInternalName // deviceType =[NG_deviceName UTF8String]; // if(b){ // if(!*c){ // return old_sysctlbyname(a,b,c,d,e); // } // strncpy(b, deviceType, *c); // return 0; // } // *c = strlen(deviceType) + 1; // return 0; // } // // if(!strcmp(a, "kern.osrelease") && NG_systemVersionWithNumber ){ // // deviceType = [NG_systemVersionWithNumber UTF8String]; // } // int version = strcmp(a, "kern.version"); // if(!version|| !NG_systemVersionWithNumber_two){ // return old_sysctlbyname(a,b,c,d,e); // } // // if(b) { // // deviceType = [[[NSString stringWithCString:b encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:NG_systemVersionWithNumber_two withString:NG_systemVersionWithNumber] UTF8String]; // if (!*c) { // return old_sysctlbyname(a, b, c, d, e); // } // strncpy(b, deviceType, *c); // } // return old_sysctlbyname(a,b,c,d,e); //} // NSString* (*old_mode)(); NSString* new_mode() { NSString * mode = old_mode(); if(NG_Product){ return NG_Product; } return mode; } NSString *(*old_localizedModel)(); NSString * new_localizedModel() { NSString * localizedModel = old_localizedModel(); if(NG_Product){ return NG_Product; } return localizedModel; } NSString *(*old_systemVersion)(); NSString * new_systemVersion() { NSString * systemVersion =old_systemVersion(); if(NG_systemVersion){ return NG_systemVersion; } return systemVersion; } NSString *(*old_name)(); NSString * new_name() { NSString * name = old_name(); if(NG_deviceName){ return NG_deviceName; } return name; } NSUUID *(*old_identifierForVendor)(); NSUUID * new_identifierForVendor() { NSUUID * identifierForVendo = old_identifierForVendor(); if(NG_IDFV){ return [[[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:NG_IDFV] autorelease]; } return identifierForVendo; } NSUUID *(*old_advertisingIdentifier)(id self, SEL _cmd); NSUUID * new_advertisingIdentifier(id self, SEL _cmd) { NSUUID * identifierForVendo = old_advertisingIdentifier(self,_cmd); if(NG_IDFA){ return [[[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:NG_IDFA] autorelease]; } return identifierForVendo; } NSString *(*old_carrierName)(); NSString * new_carrierName() { NSString * carrierName = (*old_carrierName)(); if(NG_carrierOperator){ return NG_carrierOperator; } return carrierName; } NSString *(*old_mobileCountryCode)(); NSString * new_mobileCountryCode() { NSString * mobileCountryCode = (*old_mobileCountryCode)(); if(NG_mobileCountryCode){ return NG_mobileCountryCode; } return mobileCountryCode; } NSString *(*old_mobileNetworkCode)(); NSString * new_mobileNetworkCode() { NSString * mobileCountryCode = (*old_mobileNetworkCode)(); if(NG_mobileNetworkCode){ return NG_mobileNetworkCode; } return mobileCountryCode; } NSString *(*old_isoCountryCode)(); NSString * new_isoCountryCode() { NSString * mobileCountryCode = (*old_isoCountryCode)(); if(NG_isoCountryCode){ return NG_isoCountryCode; } return mobileCountryCode; } NSString *(*old_currentRadioAccessTechnology)(); NSString * new_currentRadioAccessTechnology() { NSString *content = nil; if(old_currentRadioAccessTechnology()){ content = NG_IMEI; } return content; } BOOL (*old_UIApplicationDelegate)(id dd, SEL _cmd,UIApplication* application, NSDictionary * launchOptions) NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(3_0); BOOL new_UIApplicationDelegate(id dd, SEL _cmd,UIApplication* application, NSDictionary * launchOptions) NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(3_0){ // NSLog(@"-------------------------------------application = %@", application); // NSLog(@"-------------------------------------launchOptions = %@", launchOptions); // // NSString *systemContent = nil; // id CFBundleIdentifier = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKeyedSubscript:@"CFBundleIdentifier"]; // NSString * sysVersion = [NG_systemVersion stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"." withString:@"_"]; // if(CFBundleIdentifier && [CFBundleIdentifier isEqualToString:@"com.apple.mobilesafari"]){ // systemContent = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Mozilla/5.0 (%@; CPU iPhone OS %@ like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/%@ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/%@ Mobile/%@ Safari/%@", // NG_Product,sysVersion,@"602.1.50",@"10.0",NG_systemVersionWithEnglist,@"602.1"]; // // }else{ // systemContent = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Mozilla/5.0 (%@; CPU iPhone OS %@ like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/%@ (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/%@", // NG_Product,sysVersion,@"602.1.50",NG_systemVersionWithEnglist]; // } // // [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:@{@"UserAgent":systemContent} ]; // NSLog(@"----------------------------------------------------------"); return (*old_UIApplicationDelegate)(dd , _cmd , application,launchOptions); } id <NSTextStorageDelegate> (*old_currentRadioAccessTechnology_de)(id dd, SEL _cmd,id ss); id <NSTextStorageDelegate> new_currentRadioAccessTechnology_de(id dd, SEL _cmd,id ss) { MSHookMessageEx([ss class], @selector(application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:), (IMP)new_UIApplicationDelegate, (IMP*)&old_UIApplicationDelegate); return old_currentRadioAccessTechnology_de(dd,_cmd,ss); } int *(*old_UIApplicationMain)(int argc, char *argv[], NSString * __nullable principalClassName, NSString * __nullable delegateClassName); int *new_UIApplicationMain(int argc, char *argv[], NSString * __nullable principalClassName, NSString * __nullable delegateClassName){ MSHookMessageEx([UIApplication class], @selector(setDelegate:), (IMP)new_currentRadioAccessTechnology_de, (IMP*)&old_currentRadioAccessTechnology_de); return old_UIApplicationMain(argc,argv,principalClassName,delegateClassName); } Boolean *(*old_SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags) ( SCNetworkReachabilityRef target, SCNetworkReachabilityFlags *flags ) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_3,__IPHONE_2_0); Boolean *new_SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags ( SCNetworkReachabilityRef target, SCNetworkReachabilityFlags *flags ) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_3,__IPHONE_2_0){ *flags |= 0x40000u; return old_SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags(target,flags); } static CFStringRef (*old_MGCA)(CFStringRef Key); CFStringRef new_MGCA(CFStringRef Key){ CFStringRef Ret=old_MGCA(Key); //设置Mac if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("gI6iODv8MZuiP0IA+efJCw")) || CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("WifiAddress"))){ if(NG_macAdress){ return (CFStringRef)NG_macAdress; } } //设置IMEI // if(CFEqual(Key,CFSTR( ""))){ // // return // // } // 设置设备类型 iPhone // if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("device-name-localized")) // ||CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("DeviceClass")) // ||CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("DeviceName")) ){ // if(NG_phoneType){ // return (CFStringRef)NG_phoneType; // } // // // } // // 设备序列号 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("VasUgeSzVyHdB27g2XpN0g")) || CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("SerialNumber")) ){ // NSLog(@"-----------《《《《《进入》》》》》-----------"); if(NG_searnalNumber){ return (CFStringRef)NG_searnalNumber; } } // 设备蓝牙 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("k5lVWbXuiZHLA17KGiVUAA")) ||CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("BluetoothAddress")) ){ if(NG_BLUETOOTH){ return (CFStringRef)NG_BLUETOOTH; } // NSLog(@"-----------《《《《《进入》》》》》-----------"); } //唯一码 UUID if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("UniqueDeviceID") ) ){ // 接是value // return CFBridgingRetain(@"3c71103a7002ce6800e40525d3f63377892c26c7"); // NSLog(@"-----------《《《《《进入》》》》》-----------"); if(NG_UDID){ return (CFStringRef)NG_UDID; } } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA") ) ){ // //是data 一 // // // // // // NSLog(@"---------《《 nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("SIMTrayStatus") ) ){ // //是data 一 // NSLog(@"---------《《 SIMTrayStatus 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("ModelNumber") ) ){ // //是data 一 // // NSLog(@"---------《《 ModelNumber 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("MLBSerialNumber") ) ){ // //是data 一 // // NSLog(@"---------《《 MLBSerialNumber 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("UniqueDeviceIDData") ) ){ // //是data 一 // NSLog(@"---------《《 UniqueDeviceIDData 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("UniqueChipID") ) ){ // //是data 一 // // NSLog(@"---------《《 UniqueChipID 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("InverseDeviceID") ) ){ // //是data 一 // // NSLog(@"---------《《 InverseDeviceID 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("DiagData") ) ){ // //是data 一 // NSLog(@"---------《《 DiagData 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("DieId") ) ){ // //是data 一 // // NSLog(@"---------《《 DieId 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("CPUArchitecture") ) ){ // //是data 一 // NSLog(@"---------《《 CPUArchitecture 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("PartitionType") ) ){ // //是data 一 // NSLog(@"---------《《 PartitionType 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("UserAssignedDeviceName") ) ){ // //是data 一 // NSLog(@"---------《《 UserAssignedDeviceName 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("ActiveWirelessTechnology") ) ){ // //是data 一 // NSLog(@"---------《《 ActiveWirelessTechnology 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("WifiAddressData") ) ){ // //是data 一 // NSLog(@"---------《《 WifiAddressData 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // // } // if( CFEqual(Key,CFSTR("WifiVendor") ) ){ // //是data 一 // // NSLog(@"---------《《 WifiVendor 》》----------------------Ret = %@", Ret); // // } //设备的版本 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("BuildVersion")) ){ //13F69 if(NG_systemVersionWithEnglist){ return (CFStringRef)NG_systemVersionWithEnglist; } } //设备生产版本 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("ProductVersion")) ){ //9.3.2 if(NG_systemVersion){ return (CFStringRef)NG_systemVersion; } } //设备生产种类 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("ProductType")) ){ //iPhone6,1 if(NG_DEVICE_ProductType){ return (CFStringRef)NG_DEVICE_ProductType; } } // 是否为平板 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("ipad")) ){ //0 } // 设备型号 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("ModelNumber")) ){ //ME337 if(NG_DEVICE_NAME){ return (CFStringRef)NG_DEVICE_NAME; } } // 地域信息 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("RegionInfo")) ){ //J/A if(NG_DEVICE_LOCATION){ return (CFStringRef)NG_DEVICE_LOCATION; } } //设备所属国家 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("h63QSdBCiT/z0WU6rdQv6Q")) ){ //J if(NG_DEVICE_SINGLENAME){ return (CFStringRef)NG_DEVICE_SINGLENAME; } } // 设备名 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("UserAssignedDeviceName")) ){ //Ggf if(NG_deviceName){ return (CFStringRef)NG_deviceName; } } // 集合列表 // if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("oPeik/9e8lQWMszEjbPzng")) ){ // //Return Value:{ //// ArtworkDeviceIdiom = phone; //// ArtworkDeviceProductDescription = "iPhone 5s"; //// ArtworkDeviceScaleFactor = 2; //// ArtworkDeviceSubType = 568; //// CompatibleDeviceFallback = 0; //// DevicePerformanceMemoryClass = 1; //// GraphicsFeatureSetClass = "MTL1,2"; //// GraphicsFeatureSetFallbacks = "GLES2,0"; // // // // } // // 未判定的 if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("HWModelStr")) ){ //N51AP if(NG_DEVICE_HardwareModel){ return (CFStringRef)NG_DEVICE_HardwareModel; } } if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("HardwarePlatform")) ){ //s5l8960x if(NG_DEVICE_HardwarePlatform){ return (CFStringRef)NG_DEVICE_HardwarePlatform; } } // // if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("eZS2J+wspyGxqNYZeZ/sbA")) ){ // //// NSLog(@"-------------------名字:《 %@ 》-----Return Value:《 %@ 》---", Key,[[NSString alloc] initWithData: hexStringToByte((NSString *)Ret) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); //// NSLog(@"-------------------名字:《 %@ 》-----Return Value:《 %@ 》---", Key,[[NSString alloc] initWithData: hexStringToByte((NSString *)Ret) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); // //// return (CFStringRef)@"<eadd9a1c d078a359 13ce228d d14bdedf c7ea3f5f>"; //// return (CFStringRef)@"<54724fa2 90d2>"; // // } // if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("jSDzacs4RYWnWxn142UBLQ")) ){ // //// NSLog(@"-------------------名字:《 %@ 》-----Return Value:《 %@ 》---", Key,[[NSString alloc] initWithData: hexStringToByte((NSString *)Ret) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); // //// return (CFStringRef)@"<eadd9a1c d078a359 13ce228d d14bdedf c7ea3f5f>"; //// return (CFStringRef)@"<54724fa2 90d2>"; // // } // if(CFEqual(Key, CFSTR("nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA")) ){ // //// NSLog(@"-------------------名字:《 %@ 》-----Return Value:《 %@ 》---", Key,[[NSString alloc] initWithData: hexStringToByte((NSString *)Ret) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); // //// return (CFStringRef)@"<eadd9a1c d078a359 13ce228d d14bdedf c7ea3f5f>"; // // } // if(CFEqual(Key,CFSTR( "oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog")) ){ // //data // //// NSLog(@"-------------------名字:《 %@ 》-----Return Value:《 %@ 》---", Key,[[NSString alloc] initWithData: hexStringToByte((NSString *)Ret) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); // // return (CFStringRef)@"<80020000 70040000 46010000 00000040 00000000 05000000>"; // // } // // if(CFEqual(Key,CFSTR( "nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA")) ){ // //data // //// NSLog(@"-------------------名字:《 %@ 》-----Return Value:《 %@ 》---", Key,[[NSString alloc] initWithData: hexStringToByte((NSString *)Ret) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); //// return (CFStringRef)@"<eadd9a1c d078a359 13ce228d d14bdedf c7ea3f5f>"; //// return (CFStringRef)@"<eadd9a1c d078a359 13ce228d d14bdedf c7ea3f5f>"; // // } // if(CFEqual(Key,CFSTR( "TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA")) ){ // //4903437917520 // // //// NSLog(@"-------------------名字:《 %@ 》-----Return Value:《 %@ 》---", Key,[[NSString alloc] initWithData: hexStringToByte((NSString *)Ret) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); // return (CFStringRef)@"<4903437917520>"; // } // NSLog(@"------------------转换后的内容为----------------- %@",[[NSString alloc] initWithData: hexStringToByte(@"eadd9a1c d078a359 13ce228d d14bdedf c7ea3f5f") encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] ); // NSLog(@"---------------------------名字:《 %@\n 》------------------------------------------------------------------------------Return Value:《 %@ 》",Key,Ret); return Ret; } // 进行初始化当前的设 - (void)ng_initChangeDeviceCode { // 获取当前是否为工作状态 if([GeneralUtil isWorking]){ [self ng_changeCode]; } } -(void)ng_changeCode{ //获取Bundid 只有Preference SpringBoard 和 AppStore 和 ItunsStrore才可以进行改码 NSString *bunId = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]; // [GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_BUNID_Preferences] if(!bunId || !([bunId isEqualToString: [GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_BUNID_Preferences]] || [bunId isEqualToString:[GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_BUNID_AppStore]] || [bunId isEqualToString:[GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_BUNID_itunesstored]] || [bunId isEqualToString:[GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_BUNID_itunescloud]] || [bunId isEqualToString:[GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_BUNID_SpringBoard]] || [bunId isEqualToString:[GeneralUtil convertHexStrToString:NG_BUNID_springboard]])){ return; } [self ng_getDomainUserSettingsParams]; // 设置各个版本对应的内容 NG_systemVersionWithNumber = [self ng_changeDeviceVersion:NG_systemVersion]; NG_systemVersionWithEnglist = [self ng_changeDeviceVersionToSpec:NG_systemVersion]; NG_systemVersionWithNumber_two = [self ng_changeDeviceVersion:NG_systemVersionWithNumber]; // 设备名字 eg:ME337 NG_DEVICE_NAME = [self InterceptDeviceWithName:NG_UNITTYPE]; // 设备定力位置 eg: J/A NG_DEVICE_LOCATION = [self InterceptDeviceWithLocation:NG_UNITTYPE]; // 设备地理位置 eg: J NG_DEVICE_SINGLENAME = [self InterceptDeviceWithSingleLocation:NG_UNITTYPE]; // 设置 改码Hook内容 MSHookFunction(&IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty, &new_IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties, (void**)&old_IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties); MSHookFunction(&IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty, &new_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty, (void**)&old_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty); MSHookFunction(&CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo, &new_CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo, (void**)&old_CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo); MSHookFunction(&CNCopySupportedInterfaces, &new_CNCopySupportedInterfaces, (void**)&old_CNCopySupportedInterfaces); MSHookFunction(&SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags, &new_SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags, (void**)&old_SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags); MSHookFunction(&_CTServerConnectionCopyMobileIdentity, &new_CTServerConnectionCopyMobileIdentity, (void**)&old_CTServerConnectionCopyMobileIdentity); MSHookFunction(&uname, &new_uname, (void**)&old_uname); MSHookFunction(&sysctlnametomib, &new_sysctlnametomib, (void**)&old_sysctlnametomib); ////// MSHookFunction(&sysctlbyname, &new_sysctlbyname, (void**)&old_sysctlbyname); ////// MSHookFunction(&sysctl, &new_sysctl, (void**)&old_sysctl); Class deviceClass = [UIDevice class]; //NSSelectorFromString(@"currentRadioAccessTechnology") MSHookMessageEx(deviceClass, NSSelectorFromString(@"model"), (IMP)new_mode, (IMP*)&old_mode); MSHookMessageEx(deviceClass, NSSelectorFromString(@"localizedModel"), (IMP)&new_localizedModel, (IMP*)&old_localizedModel); MSHookMessageEx(deviceClass, NSSelectorFromString(@"systemVersion"), (IMP)new_systemVersion, (IMP*)&old_systemVersion); MSHookMessageEx(deviceClass, NSSelectorFromString(@"name"), (IMP)new_name, (IMP*)&old_name); MSHookMessageEx(deviceClass, NSSelectorFromString(@"identifierForVendor"), (IMP)new_identifierForVendor, (IMP*)&old_identifierForVendor); Class ASIdentifierManagerClass = objc_getClass("ASIdentifierManager"); MSHookMessageEx(ASIdentifierManagerClass,NSSelectorFromString(@"advertisingIdentifier"), (IMP)new_advertisingIdentifier, (IMP*)&old_advertisingIdentifier); Class CTCarrierClass = objc_getClass("CTCarrier"); MSHookMessageEx(CTCarrierClass, NSSelectorFromString(@"carrierName"), (IMP)new_carrierName, (IMP*)&old_carrierName); MSHookMessageEx(CTCarrierClass, NSSelectorFromString(@"mobileCountryCode"), (IMP)new_mobileCountryCode, (IMP*)&old_mobileCountryCode); MSHookMessageEx(CTCarrierClass, NSSelectorFromString(@"mobileNetworkCode"), (IMP)new_mobileNetworkCode, (IMP*)&old_mobileNetworkCode); MSHookMessageEx(CTCarrierClass, NSSelectorFromString(@"isoCountryCode"), (IMP)new_isoCountryCode, (IMP*)&old_isoCountryCode); Class CTTelephonyNetworkInfoClass = objc_getClass("CTTelephonyNetworkInfo"); MSHookMessageEx(CTTelephonyNetworkInfoClass, NSSelectorFromString(@"currentRadioAccessTechnology"), (IMP)new_currentRadioAccessTechnology, (IMP*)&old_currentRadioAccessTechnology); MSHookFunction(&UIApplicationMain , &new_UIApplicationMain, (void**)&old_UIApplicationMain); // void *Symbol = MSFindSymbol(MSGetImageByName("/usr/lib/libMobileGestalt.dylib"), "_MGCopyAnswer"); // NSLog(@"MG: %p", Symbol); csh handle; cs_insn *insn; cs_insn BLInstruction; size_t count; unsigned long realMGAddress = 0; //MSHookFunction(Symbol,(void*)new_MGCA, (void**)&old_MGCA); if (cs_open(CS_ARCH_ARM64, CS_MODE_ARM, &handle) == CS_ERR_OK) { /*cs_disasm(csh handle, const uint8_t *code, size_t code_size, uint64_t address, size_t count, cs_insn **insn);*/ count = cs_disasm(handle, (const uint8_t *) Symbol, 0x1000, (uint64_t) Symbol, 0, &insn); if (count > 0) { NSLog(@"Found %lu instructions", count); for (size_t j = 0; j < count; j++) { NSLog(@"0x%" PRIx64 ":\t%s\t\t%s\n", insn[j].address, insn[j].mnemonic, insn[j].op_str); if (insn[j].id == ARM64_INS_B) { BLInstruction = insn[j]; sscanf(BLInstruction.op_str, "#%lx", &realMGAddress); break; } } cs_free(insn, count); } else { NSLog(@"ERROR: Failed to disassemble given code!%i \n", cs_errno(handle)); } cs_close(&handle); } //Now perform actual hook MSHookFunction((void *) realMGAddress, (void *) new_MGCA, (void **) &old_MGCA); } /** * 进行更改当前设备的版本信息 * */ -(NSString *)ng_changeDeviceVersion:(NSString *)version{ if(!version){ return nil; } if([version isEqualToString:@"6.1.6"]){ return @"13.4.0"; } if([version hasPrefix:@"6."]){ return @"13.0.0"; } if([version hasPrefix:@"7."]){ return @"14.0.0"; } if([version hasPrefix:@"8."]){ return @"14.5.0"; } if([version isEqualToString:@"9.3.3"] || [version isEqualToString:@"9.3.4"] || [version isEqualToString:@"9.3.5"]){ return @"15.6.0"; } if([version hasPrefix:@"9."]){ return @"15.0.0"; } if([version hasPrefix:@"10."]){ return @"16.0.0"; } if([version hasPrefix:@"10.1"]){ return @"16.1.0"; } if([version hasPrefix:@"10.2"]){ return @"16.3.0"; } return nil; } /** * 进行更改当前设备的版本版本信息转化为IOS公司特有的 VC为此数据 * */ -(NSString *)ng_changeDeviceVersionToSpec:(NSString *)version{ if(!version){ return nil; } NSDictionary *DIC =@{@"6.0":@"10A403", @"6.0.1" :@"10A523", @"6.0.2" :@"10A551", @"6.1" :@"10B141", @"6.1.1" :@"10B145", @"6.1.2" :@"10B146", @"6.1.3" :@"10B329", @"6.1.4" :@"10B350", @"6.1.5" :@"10B400", @"6.1.6" :@"10B500", @"7.0" :@"11A465", @"7.0.1" :@"11A470a", @"7.0.2" :@"11A501", @"7.0.3" :@"11B511", @"7.0.4" :@"11B553", @"7.1" :@"11D167", @"7.1.1" :@"11D201", @"7.1.2" :@"11D257", @"8.0" :@"12A365", @"8.0.1" :@"12A402", @"8.0.2" :@"12A405", @"8.1" :@"12B410", @"8.1.1" :@"12B435", @"8.1.2" :@"12B440", @"8.1.3" :@"12B466", @"8.2" :@"12D508", @"8.3" :@"12F70", @"8.4" :@"12H143", @"9.0" :@"13A344", @"9.0.1" :@"13A404", @"9.0.2" :@"13A452", @"9.1" :@"13B143", @"9.2" :@"13C75", @"9.2.1" :@"13D15", @"9.3" :@"13E233", @"9.3.1" :@"13E238", @"9.3.2" :@"13F69", @"9.3.3" :@"13G34", @"9.3.4" :@"13G35", @"9.3.5" :@"13G36", @"10.3.3" :@"14G60", @"10.0.2" :@"14A456", @"10.0.1" :@"14A403", @"10.0.3" :@"14A551", @"10.1" :@"14B72c", @"10.1.1" :@"14B150", @"10.2" :@"14C92", @"10.2.1" :@"14D27", @"10.3" :@"14E277", @"10.3.1" :@"14E304", @"10.3.2" :@"14F89", @"11.0" :@"15A372", @"11.0.1" :@"15A402", @"11.0.2" :@"15A421", @"11.0.3" :@"15A432", @"11.1" :@"15B93", @"11.1.1" :@"15B202", @"11.1.2" :@"15B202", @"11.2" :@"15C114", }; return [DIC objectForKeyedSubscript:version]; } @end © 2018 GitHub, Inc. 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#import "UIDevice+Extensions.h" #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #import <mach/mach_host.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <ifaddrs.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/if_dl.h> #include <ifaddrs.h> #if SUPPORTS_IOKIT_EXTENSIONS #pragma mark IOKit miniheaders #define kIODeviceTreePlane "IODeviceTree" enum { kIORegistryIterateRecursively = 0x00000001, kIORegistryIterateParents = 0x00000002 }; typedef mach_port_t io_object_t; typedef io_object_t io_registry_entry_t; typedef char io_name_t[128]; typedef UInt32 IOOptionBits; CFTypeRef IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty( io_registry_entry_t entry, const io_name_t plane, CFStringRef key, CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOOptionBits options ); kern_return_t IOMasterPort( mach_port_t bootstrapPort, mach_port_t * masterPort ); io_registry_entry_t IORegistryGetRootEntry( mach_port_t masterPort ); CFTypeRef IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty( io_registry_entry_t entry, const io_name_t plane, CFStringRef key, CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOOptionBits options ); kern_return_t mach_port_deallocate (ipc_space_t task, mach_port_name_t name); @implementation UIDevice (Extensions) #pragma mark IOKit Utils NSArray *getValue(NSString *iosearch) { mach_port_t masterPort; CFTypeID propID = (CFTypeID) NULL; unsigned int bufSize; kern_return_t kr = IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort); if (kr != noErr) return nil; io_registry_entry_t entry = IORegistryGetRootEntry(masterPort); if (entry == MACH_PORT_NULL) return nil; CFTypeRef prop = IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(entry, kIODeviceTreePlane, (CFStringRef) iosearch, nil, kIORegistryIterateRecursively); if (!prop) return nil; propID = CFGetTypeID(prop); if (!(propID == CFDataGetTypeID())) { mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), masterPort); return nil; } CFDataRef propData = (CFDataRef) prop; if (!propData) return nil; bufSize = CFDataGetLength(propData); if (!bufSize) return nil; NSString *p1 = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:CFDataGetBytePtr(propData) length:bufSize encoding:1] autorelease]; mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), masterPort); return [p1 componentsSeparatedByString:@"/0"]; } - (NSString *)imei { NSArray *results = getValue(@"device-imei"); if (results) return [results objectAtIndex:0]; return nil; } - (NSString *)serialnumber { NSArray *results = getValue(@"serial-number"); if (results) return [results objectAtIndex:0]; return nil; } - (NSString *)backlightlevel { NSArray *results = getValue(@"backlight-level"); if (results) return [results objectAtIndex:0]; return nil; } @end #endif
UIDevice+Extensions.h: uniqueAppInstanceIdentifier
#import "UIDevice+Extensions.h"
@implementation UIDevice (org_apache_cordova_UIDevice_Extension)
- (NSString*)uniqueAppInstanceIdentifier
NSUserDefaults* userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
static NSString* UUID_KEY = @"CDVUUID";
NSString* app_uuid = [userDefaults stringForKey:UUID_KEY];
if (app_uuid == nil) {
CFUUIDRef uuidRef = CFUUIDCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault);
CFStringRef uuidString = CFUUIDCreateString(kCFAllocatorDefault, uuidRef);
app_uuid = [NSString stringWithString:(__bridge NSString*)uuidString];
[userDefaults setObject:app_uuid forKey:UUID_KEY];
[userDefaults synchronize];
return app_uuid;
#import “UIDevice+YYAdd.h”
// UIDevice+YYAdd.m
// YYKit <https://github.com/ibireme/YYKit>
// Created by ibireme on 13/4/3.
// Copyright (c) 2015 ibireme.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#import "UIDevice+YYAdd.h"
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/if_dl.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <ifaddrs.h>
#import "YYKitMacro.h"
#import "NSString+YYAdd.h"
@implementation UIDevice (YYAdd)
+ (double)systemVersion {
static double version;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
version = [UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion.doubleValue;
return version;
- (BOOL)isPad {
static dispatch_once_t one;
static BOOL pad;
dispatch_once(&one, ^{
pad = UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad;
return pad;
- (BOOL)isSimulator {
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)isJailbroken {
if ([self isSimulator]) return NO; // Dont't check simulator
// iOS9 URL Scheme query changed ...
// NSURL *cydiaURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"cydia://package"];
// if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:cydiaURL]) return YES;
NSArray *paths = @[@"/Applications/Cydia.app",
for (NSString *path in paths) {
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:path]) return YES;
FILE *bash = fopen("/bin/bash", "r");
if (bash != NULL) {
return YES;
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/private/%@", [NSString stringWithUUID]];
if ([@"test" writeToFile : path atomically : YES encoding : NSUTF8StringEncoding error : NULL]) {
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:path error:nil];
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)canMakePhoneCalls {
__block BOOL can;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
can = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"tel://"]];
return can;
- (NSString *)ipAddressWithIfaName:(NSString *)name {
if (name.length == 0) return nil;
NSString *address = nil;
struct ifaddrs *addrs = NULL;
if (getifaddrs(&addrs) == 0) {
struct ifaddrs *addr = addrs;
while (addr) {
if ([[NSString stringWithUTF8String:addr->ifa_name] isEqualToString:name]) {
sa_family_t family = addr->ifa_addr->sa_family;
switch (family) {
case AF_INET: { // IPv4
char str[INET_ADDRSTRLEN] = {0};
inet_ntop(family, &(((struct sockaddr_in *)addr->ifa_addr)->sin_addr), str, sizeof(str));
if (strlen(str) > 0) {
address = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:str];
} break;
case AF_INET6: { // IPv6
char str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN] = {0};
inet_ntop(family, &(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)addr->ifa_addr)->sin6_addr), str, sizeof(str));
if (strlen(str) > 0) {
address = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:str];
default: break;
if (address) break;
addr = addr->ifa_next;
return address;
- (NSString *)ipAddressWIFI {
return [self ipAddressWithIfaName:@"en0"];
- (NSString *)ipAddressCell {
return [self ipAddressWithIfaName:@"pdp_ip0"];
typedef struct {
uint64_t en_in;
uint64_t en_out;
uint64_t pdp_ip_in;
uint64_t pdp_ip_out;
uint64_t awdl_in;
uint64_t awdl_out;
} yy_net_interface_counter;
static uint64_t yy_net_counter_add(uint64_t counter, uint64_t bytes) {
if (bytes < (counter % 0xFFFFFFFF)) {
counter += 0xFFFFFFFF - (counter % 0xFFFFFFFF);
counter += bytes;
} else {
counter = bytes;
return counter;
static uint64_t yy_net_counter_get_by_type(yy_net_interface_counter *counter, YYNetworkTrafficType type) {
uint64_t bytes = 0;
if (type & YYNetworkTrafficTypeWWANSent) bytes += counter->pdp_ip_out;
if (type & YYNetworkTrafficTypeWWANReceived) bytes += counter->pdp_ip_in;
if (type & YYNetworkTrafficTypeWIFISent) bytes += counter->en_out;
if (type & YYNetworkTrafficTypeWIFIReceived) bytes += counter->en_in;
if (type & YYNetworkTrafficTypeAWDLSent) bytes += counter->awdl_out;
if (type & YYNetworkTrafficTypeAWDLReceived) bytes += counter->awdl_in;
return bytes;
static yy_net_interface_counter yy_get_net_interface_counter() {
static dispatch_semaphore_t lock;
static NSMutableDictionary *sharedInCounters;
static NSMutableDictionary *sharedOutCounters;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedInCounters = [NSMutableDictionary new];
sharedOutCounters = [NSMutableDictionary new];
lock = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);
yy_net_interface_counter counter = {0};
struct ifaddrs *addrs;
const struct ifaddrs *cursor;
if (getifaddrs(&addrs) == 0) {
cursor = addrs;
dispatch_semaphore_wait(lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
while (cursor) {
if (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_LINK) {
const struct if_data *data = cursor->ifa_data;
NSString *name = cursor->ifa_name ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:cursor->ifa_name] : nil;
if (name) {
uint64_t counter_in = ((NSNumber *)sharedInCounters[name]).unsignedLongLongValue;
counter_in = yy_net_counter_add(counter_in, data->ifi_ibytes);
sharedInCounters[name] = @(counter_in);
uint64_t counter_out = ((NSNumber *)sharedOutCounters[name]).unsignedLongLongValue;
counter_out = yy_net_counter_add(counter_out, data->ifi_obytes);
sharedOutCounters[name] = @(counter_out);
if ([name hasPrefix:@"en"]) {
counter.en_in += counter_in;
counter.en_out += counter_out;
} else if ([name hasPrefix:@"awdl"]) {
counter.awdl_in += counter_in;
counter.awdl_out += counter_out;
} else if ([name hasPrefix:@"pdp_ip"]) {
counter.pdp_ip_in += counter_in;
counter.pdp_ip_out += counter_out;
cursor = cursor->ifa_next;
return counter;
- (uint64_t)getNetworkTrafficBytes:(YYNetworkTrafficType)types {
yy_net_interface_counter counter = yy_get_net_interface_counter();
return yy_net_counter_get_by_type(&counter, types);
- (NSString *)machineModel {
static dispatch_once_t one;
static NSString *model;
dispatch_once(&one, ^{
size_t size;
sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
char *machine = malloc(size);
sysctlbyname("hw.machine", machine, &size, NULL, 0);
model = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:machine];
return model;
- (NSString *)machineModelName {
static dispatch_once_t one;
static NSString *name;
dispatch_once(&one, ^{
NSString *model = [self machineModel];
if (!model) return;
NSDictionary *dic = @{
@"Watch1,1" : @"Apple Watch 38mm",
@"Watch1,2" : @"Apple Watch 42mm",
@"Watch2,3" : @"Apple Watch Series 2 38mm",
@"Watch2,4" : @"Apple Watch Series 2 42mm",
@"Watch2,6" : @"Apple Watch Series 1 38mm",
@"Watch1,7" : @"Apple Watch Series 1 42mm",
@"iPod1,1" : @"iPod touch 1",
@"iPod2,1" : @"iPod touch 2",
@"iPod3,1" : @"iPod touch 3",
@"iPod4,1" : @"iPod touch 4",
@"iPod5,1" : @"iPod touch 5",
@"iPod7,1" : @"iPod touch 6",
@"iPhone1,1" : @"iPhone 1G",
@"iPhone1,2" : @"iPhone 3G",
@"iPhone2,1" : @"iPhone 3GS",
@"iPhone3,1" : @"iPhone 4 (GSM)",
@"iPhone3,2" : @"iPhone 4",
@"iPhone3,3" : @"iPhone 4 (CDMA)",
@"iPhone4,1" : @"iPhone 4S",
@"iPhone5,1" : @"iPhone 5",
@"iPhone5,2" : @"iPhone 5",
@"iPhone5,3" : @"iPhone 5c",
@"iPhone5,4" : @"iPhone 5c",
@"iPhone6,1" : @"iPhone 5s",
@"iPhone6,2" : @"iPhone 5s",
@"iPhone7,1" : @"iPhone 6 Plus",
@"iPhone7,2" : @"iPhone 6",
@"iPhone8,1" : @"iPhone 6s",
@"iPhone8,2" : @"iPhone 6s Plus",
@"iPhone8,4" : @"iPhone SE",
@"iPhone9,1" : @"iPhone 7",
@"iPhone9,2" : @"iPhone 7 Plus",
@"iPhone9,3" : @"iPhone 7",
@"iPhone9,4" : @"iPhone 7 Plus",
@"iPad1,1" : @"iPad 1",
@"iPad2,1" : @"iPad 2 (WiFi)",
@"iPad2,2" : @"iPad 2 (GSM)",
@"iPad2,3" : @"iPad 2 (CDMA)",
@"iPad2,4" : @"iPad 2",
@"iPad2,5" : @"iPad mini 1",
@"iPad2,6" : @"iPad mini 1",
@"iPad2,7" : @"iPad mini 1",
@"iPad3,1" : @"iPad 3 (WiFi)",
@"iPad3,2" : @"iPad 3 (4G)",
@"iPad3,3" : @"iPad 3 (4G)",
@"iPad3,4" : @"iPad 4",
@"iPad3,5" : @"iPad 4",
@"iPad3,6" : @"iPad 4",
@"iPad4,1" : @"iPad Air",
@"iPad4,2" : @"iPad Air",
@"iPad4,3" : @"iPad Air",
@"iPad4,4" : @"iPad mini 2",
@"iPad4,5" : @"iPad mini 2",
@"iPad4,6" : @"iPad mini 2",
@"iPad4,7" : @"iPad mini 3",
@"iPad4,8" : @"iPad mini 3",
@"iPad4,9" : @"iPad mini 3",
@"iPad5,1" : @"iPad mini 4",
@"iPad5,2" : @"iPad mini 4",
@"iPad5,3" : @"iPad Air 2",
@"iPad5,4" : @"iPad Air 2",
@"iPad6,3" : @"iPad Pro (9.7 inch)",
@"iPad6,4" : @"iPad Pro (9.7 inch)",
@"iPad6,7" : @"iPad Pro (12.9 inch)",
@"iPad6,8" : @"iPad Pro (12.9 inch)",
@"AppleTV2,1" : @"Apple TV 2",
@"AppleTV3,1" : @"Apple TV 3",
@"AppleTV3,2" : @"Apple TV 3",
@"AppleTV5,3" : @"Apple TV 4",
@"i386" : @"Simulator x86",
@"x86_64" : @"Simulator x64",
name = dic[model];
if (!name) name = model;
return name;
- (NSDate *)systemUptime {
NSTimeInterval time = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] systemUptime];
return [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:(0 - time)];
- (int64_t)diskSpace {
NSError *error = nil;
NSDictionary *attrs = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] attributesOfFileSystemForPath:NSHomeDirectory() error:&error];
if (error) return -1;
int64_t space = [[attrs objectForKey:NSFileSystemSize] longLongValue];
if (space < 0) space = -1;
return space;
- (int64_t)diskSpaceFree {
NSError *error = nil;
NSDictionary *attrs = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] attributesOfFileSystemForPath:NSHomeDirectory() error:&error];
if (error) return -1;
int64_t space = [[attrs objectForKey:NSFileSystemFreeSize] longLongValue];
if (space < 0) space = -1;
return space;
- (int64_t)diskSpaceUsed {
int64_t total = self.diskSpace;
int64_t free = self.diskSpaceFree;
if (total < 0 || free < 0) return -1;
int64_t used = total - free;
if (used < 0) used = -1;
return used;
- (int64_t)memoryTotal {
int64_t mem = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] physicalMemory];
if (mem < -1) mem = -1;
return mem;
- (int64_t)memoryUsed {
mach_port_t host_port = mach_host_self();
mach_msg_type_number_t host_size = sizeof(vm_statistics_data_t) / sizeof(integer_t);
vm_size_t page_size;
vm_statistics_data_t vm_stat;
kern_return_t kern;
kern = host_page_size(host_port, &page_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
kern = host_statistics(host_port, HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t)&vm_stat, &host_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
return page_size * (vm_stat.active_count + vm_stat.inactive_count + vm_stat.wire_count);
- (int64_t)memoryFree {
mach_port_t host_port = mach_host_self();
mach_msg_type_number_t host_size = sizeof(vm_statistics_data_t) / sizeof(integer_t);
vm_size_t page_size;
vm_statistics_data_t vm_stat;
kern_return_t kern;
kern = host_page_size(host_port, &page_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
kern = host_statistics(host_port, HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t)&vm_stat, &host_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
return vm_stat.free_count * page_size;
- (int64_t)memoryActive {
mach_port_t host_port = mach_host_self();
mach_msg_type_number_t host_size = sizeof(vm_statistics_data_t) / sizeof(integer_t);
vm_size_t page_size;
vm_statistics_data_t vm_stat;
kern_return_t kern;
kern = host_page_size(host_port, &page_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
kern = host_statistics(host_port, HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t)&vm_stat, &host_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
return vm_stat.active_count * page_size;
- (int64_t)memoryInactive {
mach_port_t host_port = mach_host_self();
mach_msg_type_number_t host_size = sizeof(vm_statistics_data_t) / sizeof(integer_t);
vm_size_t page_size;
vm_statistics_data_t vm_stat;
kern_return_t kern;
kern = host_page_size(host_port, &page_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
kern = host_statistics(host_port, HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t)&vm_stat, &host_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
return vm_stat.inactive_count * page_size;
- (int64_t)memoryWired {
mach_port_t host_port = mach_host_self();
mach_msg_type_number_t host_size = sizeof(vm_statistics_data_t) / sizeof(integer_t);
vm_size_t page_size;
vm_statistics_data_t vm_stat;
kern_return_t kern;
kern = host_page_size(host_port, &page_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
kern = host_statistics(host_port, HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t)&vm_stat, &host_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
return vm_stat.wire_count * page_size;
- (int64_t)memoryPurgable {
mach_port_t host_port = mach_host_self();
mach_msg_type_number_t host_size = sizeof(vm_statistics_data_t) / sizeof(integer_t);
vm_size_t page_size;
vm_statistics_data_t vm_stat;
kern_return_t kern;
kern = host_page_size(host_port, &page_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
kern = host_statistics(host_port, HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t)&vm_stat, &host_size);
if (kern != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
return vm_stat.purgeable_count * page_size;
- (NSUInteger)cpuCount {
return [NSProcessInfo processInfo].activeProcessorCount;
- (float)cpuUsage {
float cpu = 0;
NSArray *cpus = [self cpuUsagePerProcessor];
if (cpus.count == 0) return -1;
for (NSNumber *n in cpus) {
cpu += n.floatValue;
return cpu;
- (NSArray *)cpuUsagePerProcessor {
processor_info_array_t _cpuInfo, _prevCPUInfo = nil;
mach_msg_type_number_t _numCPUInfo, _numPrevCPUInfo = 0;
unsigned _numCPUs;
NSLock *_cpuUsageLock;
int _mib[2U] = { CTL_HW, HW_NCPU };
size_t _sizeOfNumCPUs = sizeof(_numCPUs);
int _status = sysctl(_mib, 2U, &_numCPUs, &_sizeOfNumCPUs, NULL, 0U);
if (_status)
_numCPUs = 1;
_cpuUsageLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
natural_t _numCPUsU = 0U;
kern_return_t err = host_processor_info(mach_host_self(), PROCESSOR_CPU_LOAD_INFO, &_numCPUsU, &_cpuInfo, &_numCPUInfo);
if (err == KERN_SUCCESS) {
[_cpuUsageLock lock];
NSMutableArray *cpus = [NSMutableArray new];
for (unsigned i = 0U; i < _numCPUs; ++i) {
Float32 _inUse, _total;
if (_prevCPUInfo) {
_inUse = (
+ (_cpuInfo[(CPU_STATE_MAX * i) + CPU_STATE_NICE] - _prevCPUInfo[(CPU_STATE_MAX * i) + CPU_STATE_NICE])
_total = _inUse + (_cpuInfo[(CPU_STATE_MAX * i) + CPU_STATE_IDLE] - _prevCPUInfo[(CPU_STATE_MAX * i) + CPU_STATE_IDLE]);
} else {
_inUse = _cpuInfo[(CPU_STATE_MAX * i) + CPU_STATE_USER] + _cpuInfo[(CPU_STATE_MAX * i) + CPU_STATE_SYSTEM] + _cpuInfo[(CPU_STATE_MAX * i) + CPU_STATE_NICE];
_total = _inUse + _cpuInfo[(CPU_STATE_MAX * i) + CPU_STATE_IDLE];
[cpus addObject:@(_inUse / _total)];
[_cpuUsageLock unlock];
if (_prevCPUInfo) {
size_t prevCpuInfoSize = sizeof(integer_t) * _numPrevCPUInfo;
vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)_prevCPUInfo, prevCpuInfoSize);
return cpus;
} else {
return nil;
See Also
- [internal_DeviceInfo.h:taobeo4iphone]
// // Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit). // // class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2013 by Steve Nygard. // #import "NSObject.h" @class ALAssetsLibrary, NSMutableArray, NSMutableDictionary; @interface internal_DeviceInfo : NSObject { ALAssetsLibrary *_assetsLibrary; NSMutableArray *_assets; NSMutableDictionary *_record; } + (id)getContactInfo; + (id)getAvailableSensors; + (id)defaultAssetsLibrary; + (id)getSDKUpTimeInterval; + (id)getSysUpTimeInterval; + (id)getLanguage; + (id)getTimeZone; + (_Bool)checkPolicy:(id)arg1 selector:(SEL)arg2; + (id)getFingerIdHashInfo; + (id)getAppList:(id)arg1; + (unsigned long long)getMemorySize; + (id)getNetworkInfo; + (id)getAppVersion; + (id)getAppName; + (id)getScreenHeight; + (id)getScreenWidth; + (id)getHWModel; + (id)getKernHostName; + (id)getSSIDInfo; + (long long)getBatteryStatus; + (float)getBatteryLevel; + (id)getDiskFreeSpace; + (id)getDiskSpace; + (long long)getCpuCount; + (long long)getCpuFreq; + (id)getModelName; + (id)internal_getAdvIdDisabled; + (id)getAdvId; + (id)getIdForVendor; + (id)getDeviceName; + (id)getOSName; + (id)getOSVersion; + (id)screenResolution; + (_Bool)isEmulator; + (unsigned short)isJailBreak; + (id)getMCC; + (id)getMNC; + (id)carrierName; + (unsigned long long)getSysInfo:(unsigned int)arg1; + (id)getSysInfoByName:(char *)arg1; + (id)getBundleId; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary *record; // @synthesize record=_record; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *assets; // @synthesize assets=_assets; @property(retain, nonatomic) ALAssetsLibrary *assetsLibrary; // @synthesize assetsLibrary=_assetsLibrary; - (void).cxx_destruct; - (void)getPhotoInfo:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg1; @end
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转载请注明:张坤楠的博客 > UUIDString