
Scans an IPA file and parses its Info.plist and embedded.mobileprovision files. Performs checks of expected key/value relationships and displays the results.

Posted by kunnan on May 30, 2018

Contents in an IPA


  • Payload - Contains the .app folder of the specific iOS application. Under the .app folder we can see the application’s contents like the images, nib files which store the user interface and so on.
  • Mach-O Executable - Mach Object files are file formats for executables. Contains data section, header and load commands.
  • Info.plist - Stores the configuration information of the executable. Can be viewed with a text editor. If it is in a binary format, can be converted using
    plutil -convert xml1 Info.plist
  • Frameworks - Folder with libraries the application uses. There are many third party libraries. For example the AWS SDK.
  • Mobileprovision - Information such as the developer certificate, devices for which the application is provisioned or team identifier can be found under embedded.mobileprovision


IPA files downloaded from the iOS App Store are encrypted by default with Apple’s DRM, Fairplay. To get around the encryption, one can use clutch or ios-dump.

  • To check if the executable is encrypted, run otool(jtool for linux).
     otool -l ~/kntmp | grep -i crypt

If the value of cryptid is 1, it implies that the binary is encrypted. On decrypting, the value would be 0.


Domain Names
  • inside the directory using grep or running strings on the executable.
strings ~/kntmp | egrep -i 'http|https'
 cat Info.plist | grep NSExceptionDomains -A13


 /usr/bin/python checkipa -i /Users/devzkn/Desktop/Payload.ipa 
  • 设置为 true 之后会允许调试 WebViewXcode 编译出来的调试版本 App 都会带上这个 entitlement,这也是 lldb 真机调试必须的配置。
    Distribution: code signing Entitlements 'get-task-allow' value is set to YES; should be NO


  • 将app 转化为ipa
打包: Payload文件夹放.app 文件;压缩Payload,修改后缀名为.ipa;

PlistBuddy [-cxh] file.plist

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleIdentifier" yourBinaryOrXmlPlist.plist

plutil [command_option] [other_options] file

plutil can be used to check the syntax of property list files, or convert a plist file from one format to another. Specifying - as an input file reads from stdin. plutil 使plist文件在二进制和XML之间转换

  • 将二进制转为xml
    plutil -convert xml1 Info.plist
plutil -convert binary1 -o binary.plist xml.plist //将xml转为二进制

Python library

There are also many other ways to parse binary plist files. For example, I’m using Python and there is a library called biplist, which is exactly used to read and write binary plist files and support both Python 2 and 3. Also, the ‘plistlib' in Python 3.4 supports binary plist manipulation with new APIs.

See Also

/Users/devzkn/bin/knpost iOS-checkIPA Scans an IPA file and parses its Info.plist and embedded.mobileprovision files. Performs checks of expected key/value relationships and displays the results. -t iosre

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